How to (not) Save a Life.

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Everyone was getting smoke on all levels of the building. Toby was trapped in an smoky elevator, Happy was in the engine room where the smoke was spreading and four kids are trapped with smoke leaking into the gaming room as well. What a wonderful day. Also, Walter was bringing himself down like his self-esteem isn't low enough. So, while Richie is thinking of all his money that's going to waste, Walter is sulking by his computer and Wilson yelling at Walter because his son is left in the gaming room with an adult that has more fears than the remakes of Spider-Man.

"Everyone shut-up!" I yelled, causing them to go quiet, them all staring at me. "Walter, you need to stop sulking and start working and, you Wilson you need to stop yelling at Walter so me and him can think of a solution to save your son, so if you don't want your son to die young, let us think!"

I walked up to Walter and said, "You need to stop thinking like you're the point of failure or else you will be."

"So, how does this happen with 50 of the top tech reporters downstairs." Richie questioned, causing me to roll my eyes. As the answer isn't plain as day.

"I don't think the time is a coincidence, now can you think anyone that would want to do this?" Walter asked Richie, trying to gather more info, while I was thankfully still in the system.

"Why are you so confident that this is about us?" Wilson reasoned, with his hands on his hips and everything, as I was working on my mind screen, taping and everything, looking like a freakin' idiot.

"Because it's not our launch or our building." Walter explained.

"But it is you're tech!" Wilson fired back.

"Well, someone have must known that I'm working with you guys." Walter said.

"Which makes this a two-side invesgation." Wilson said.

God, why are these adults bickering like children and I'm the only one that's actually acting like one? At least mentally. I noticed that Richie was staring at me weirdly, which I answered the questions that were probably in his brain.

"Kardia, any luck on your mindscreen?" Walter asked, desperate for help.

"Was in and still in a long time ago." I said, in an annoyed voice.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Walter said, frustrated.

"Because you and Wilson were bickering like five years olds fighting for a lollipop." I explained. "And Richie is giving me weird looks."

"It's Richard." Richie said.

Then, Richie's phone rang as I tapped into it to hear who was calling him. It was Daniel, I think his name was. He was telling him that people can't get out of the building, pounding on the doors. That is never a good sign. Like at all.

"Uh, guys things aren't doing so hot down here!" Happy cried over the comms, as I stifle my laughter because Happy just made a pun without her knowing. Yup, this is what it's like to be friends with a genius. Jokes and puns are literally everywhere but they won't notice or get it. Which is why I vote toward sarcasm, it's easy to do.

"Hey Walter, bring a speaker and don't ask why!" Happy yelled over the comms as he punched the wall in order to take the speaker out of the wall and runs down to where Happy is, I grab my cross body bag and computer and run after Walter to catch up with him.

"Walter!" I called out, wanting for him to slow down as we run down the stairs.

"Hey, Toby are you out of the elevator?" I asked, not even breaking a sweat yet.

"Guys, I can't get the panels to open, they only go half an inch." Toby said, still trapped in the elevator.

"Sly, what's you're statis?" Walter asked Sly, which I had to say was a really bad idea.

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