23. Jake's Girl

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I am trying my best to do more frequent posting... bear with me!

PS> 🎂🎈🎂🎈🎂🎈🎂🎈ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!🎂🎈🎂🎈🎂🎈🎂🎈🎂....so happy birthday to me and here's another chapter! ENJOY!


"Yes mom. I will call before I make it home tonight." I blow out a frustrated breath, blowing a ringlet out of my sight.

"Okay, good."

"Why does it matter to you?" I sass, confused. "I don't live there, and won't ever again, so why do I have to check in with y'all? I actually thought you had something important to say."

"Hey, young lady. I am your mother and don't deserve to be talked to that way."

"Sorry." Not sorry.

She lets out a breath. "That's all... I need to go now." Without a good bye, she hangs up the phone.

"Typical." I mutter.

"What's a pretty lil thang like ya doin out here 'lone?"

I smell him before I see him, and I realize just how vulnerable I am right now. I'm not exactly short, but I am quite small compared to most men. I've also gotten years of self-defence training, on top of my ballet, but in my slightly tipsy state, I doubt it will do much good. Not to mention the fact that I'm in a short, tight dress that barely covers the essentials. Damn you and your stupid 'you look hot!' and your puppy eyes, Dakota.

"Not much, just making a phone call. I should be going now, though, so yeah..." I try to sidestep around him, and he moves into my way.

"Eh, eh, eh... not so fast now. I just wanna talk to a hottie." He slurs as he steps closer. The alcohol seeps off him, mixed with the stench of sweat.

I grimace. "You know, I'd love to talk, but right now I'm a bit busy. I gotta go find my friends, you know?" I step around the corner, but he's somehow faster.

"Actually, with a sexy thing like you up for grabs, I'd rather do stuff other than talk, baby..." he comes even closer and I hold my breath, realizing I'm backed up against a wall.  

(This may be a trigger for some people... so read at your own risk..i'll have another one of these side notes when the scene is done. ABUSE is NEVER EVER OKAY.)  

I turn my phone back on, prepared to hit a button, when he grabs my arm painfully and wretches it out of my hands. "You ain't gon' need that where we're going..."

Shit! Think fast! I feel like a dancer that showed up to a recital with the wrong music.

"Umm...I like where you're minds going." I fake coo, trying not to barf at the expression on his face. He grins, revealing a couple missing teeth. Nasty. "I was just wondering...if I could text my friend and tell her I'll be spending the night at your place." I wink.

Why, why, WHY did I leave my friends to answer a call in a dark alley?

"Weal. I guess that'd be okay." He plants the phone in my hands and I grab onto it and hit Dakota's number. It rings. And rings. The creeper gets closer. 'Heya all! This here's Dakota's phone. As you all can CLEARLY tell, I'm not available so leave a message!' Her voicemail picks up. Of course. She's still with that bartender, most likely.

"Dakota. It's me. Please come outside and find me." I whisper. "Quickly!"

I hang up as the guy yells: "Hey! You left that message wrong!"

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