36.Parent Introductions

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Hi everyone, just a HUGE THANK YOU again for being such awesome readers! I love all of you, even the silent ones :)) 


"Wait. Here? NOW?"

"Yes. Here. Now." I imitate his voice.

"I feel like that's public indecency." He crinkles his nose. "And quite dangerous."

"We're on a back road and I'm not going to be flashing anyone." I roll my eyes, before slipping my top on and pulling the other one out from underneath.

"Holy shit."

I laugh. "Pretty impressive isn't it?"

"Well, I mean, yeah. I thought when my girlfriend said she was gonna change into her shirt in the car that I'd get a little bra at least." He mock pouts.

I roll my eyes again. "You wish. No, at a young age I learned how to quickly change in and out of all my gear without anyone noticing."

"Good skill to have, I guess. This road out?"

"Yeah." I agree to both. "And if you weren't basically kicking down the change room door, I could've changed at barre."

"I can't help it! These fake looking skinny people started talking to me as if I knew them! It was scary." He pouts.

I giggle.

"What, Red? I was surrounded!"

"You're being dramatic, and you DO know them. They were at the barbeque we had at the beginning of summer. It was Annette, Mia, and Britney. Also Erin was there, why didn't she save you?"

"She just sat there laughing as they flipped their hair so many times I'm surprised they don't have whiplash."

I bust out laughing again as I reach for my cosmetics from in my gym bag. "I told you to wait in the truck." I shrug, applying mascara to both eyes.

"Sorry I thought I was safe, but apparently not. You wouldn't know, Red. You grew up with them."

"Yes, that's true but they've always been scary. You get used to it. Also, stop calling me 'red' you crazy." I huff, grabbing my cover-up powder and my brush.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it, especially since I know how red you are."

"Why do you say it like that?" I frown, putting them both down.

He raises his brows up and down.

"Oh. You perv. Get a life." I lean over to slap him, but he dodges out of the way, causing his truck to swerve.

"Ha-ha. Missed me."

"Jake. Don't swerve in traffic like that." I scold

"What? Like this?" he does it again, and the car beside us immediately starts angry honking. "Geez. People are too ragey"

"Umm, Jake. That's not a word."

He shrugs. "Rage, ey. Sounds legit to me. And besides. I think it describes this lady pretty well." He gestures to the lady in her car that pulled up beside us at the light, and is angrily gesturing as she rolls down her window to yell at us.


"What?" he looks confused.

"At her. Do it."

He rolls down the window, and does as I suggested, smiling so that his dimples are evident. "So sorry ma'am." He fakes a southern accent that sounds surprisingly accurate. "It was a total accident."

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