37. The Harsh Truth

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I finished my last exam of grade 12, so so proud of myself ngl... YAY i'm done WOOT WOOT 

alsoooo i got my acceptance letter for college so yeahh that's happening... 

Y'all don't click on this chapter to have me talk, sorry. BOOK TIME. ENJOY

^^above is a picture of Andrew Walker, AKA JT^^


"I'll text you later, Jake. Thanks for coming."

"I enjoyed myself. Thanks for inviting me." He grins cheekily and points to his cheek for me to kiss.

I do so, laughing lightly. "That's a lie, but I appreciate it, babe."

He buckles his seatbelt and I pout.

"Problem?" he smirks, starting his engine.

I point to my lips. "Forgetting something?" I huff.

"Hmm. No, I don't think so...?" He teases, adjusting his mirrors. "Looks like I'm ready to go."

"I demand an actual kiss, Mr. Jakeopher Taylor." I laugh, yanking him forward by his shirt collar.

"All you gotta do is ask, baby girl." He smirks, pulling me even closer by my waist. I kiss him on the lips for a few second, pulling away as I feel it get hotter. He waves and closes his truck door as he pulls away.

"So that's the boy you fell in love with?" Mother says as I walk back in the living room.

Em senses this is about to get awkward and leaves the room to refill my coffee.

"I'm not..." I start to argue, then realize it's pointless because it's as obvious as my red hair. I'm in love with him.

My mother inspects her fingernails. "You aren't? Good. It shouldn't be too hard to dump him."

"What? You don't like him?" I frown, confused. It's not like she was yelling at him, which has happened in the past.

"Darling. I am a ballerina. You need to get used to faking your emotions." She rolls her eyes and takes a sip of the wineglass in front of her.

"Well, yeah..." I look away.

"You know as well as I do that he is no good. You deserve better."

"Mother. I appreciate your concern, really, but-"

"Oh. I'm not concerned for you. He is bad publicity." She scoffs. "We already made the papers once with that silly vehicle of his."

"It's a motorcycle, Mother. It's summertime, so it's not exactly rare to see, and I personally like it."

She openly scoffs.

"As I was saying. I actually don't care what you think, because every other aspect of my life you control. I'm not just breaking up with him because he might make you 'look bad" my words are clipped.

"Oh. He will make us both look bad. You have a bright future in dance, and I'm not going to let any white- trailer park trash ruin that for you."

"HE is NOT white trail-"I uncross my legs angrily.

"Kasey. Please. Why couldn't you date a ballerina like yourself? Someone who's good enough for you."

"He IS more than good enough, mother. I don't WANT a ballerina."

She snorts. "Funny joke my dear."

"I'm not joking! Basically every guy dancer is gay anyway!"

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