47. Why Else?

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 Hurry up in there! Geez I feel like it’s our first date again and you’re taking too long in the gym showers.”

I snort. “You said that time wasn’t a date, Jake.”

“Yeah…well we both know it really was.” I can hear his smirk. “You didn’t wanna go out with me otherwise so…”

“Whatever.” I finish with my makeup, deciding to not go too heavy, just a subtle smoky eye, and enough blush to make me look naturally rosy without looking like I have a sunburn. The face full of freckles is also hidden tonight.

“Okay done!” I step out of my room, and walk to the kitchen where he’s sitting on the table, wearing an all-black suit that makes him look simply edible. His tie, however, is a dark blue, to match my dress

I clear my throat get his attention “So? You like?” I do a slow spin.

He opens his mouth to reply, but no sound comes out as he lays eyes on me. His heated gaze runs up and down my body. “Yeah…I don’t wanna let you out of this room.”

I blush. “Okay. I actually kinda wanna go to this thing! If you want, I can wear this over top all night.” I slip on my “JT’s Girl” jacket.

He shoots me a look. “I’m only thinking of the night I gave that to you, honestly. You’re not helping your case.” He chuckles.

Right. How the scene immediately turned R rated, I was left wearing only the jacket…

 I bite my lip. “Jake I’m leaving before we end up staying. Whether you’re with me or not.” I smirk and grab my keys. “Mine or yours?”

“Actually…” he flings open the door and I squeal with excitement.

“KEILA!! You look gorgeous!” she’s wearing an empire waist gown that’s a deep red in color, and has tiny beaded straps that dip into a “U” revealing an inch of cleavage, hidden by a scrap of mesh.

“Thanks bitch! You look smokin’ too!” She turns to show me the back of her dress, where the straps cross in a beaded X shape.

“So? What do ya think?” Jake pats my bare back.

“What?” I look behind her and realize he rented a limo for us tonight

Keila seems to remember her job and presents it with a flourish of one hand.

“Pretty cool!” I smile. I’ve ridden in a fair share of these throughout my life, but it’s still fun to ride in style on occasion. Also, I feel like I still don’t really know much about his company, and I’m quite excited to learn more tonight.

“Well? What are we all waiting for? I don’t wanna leave everyone else is waiting.” I lift the hem of my dress, and climb in the car.

“Oh! Hey Tucker! Hi Mag! I Thought you were all gonna meet us there?” I shoot Jake a questioning look.

“Sorry ballerina. We kinda crushed your plans of having limo sex… Sorry!” She grins, not sounding sorry in the slightest.

I know I’m red. “No, I’m glad y’all are here. And we are not having limo sex.”

“Not so fast.” Jake blurts “y’all are finding your own rides home.” He pinches my bum and smiles at me. “We have the whole limo to ourselves later.” He winks. They all start laughing.

“Not happening mister!” I snort

“Uh huh, okay.” He gives me a look and pats my bum again.

I swat him, and move to sit between Tucker and Mag.

“How’s you, baby girl?” Tucker pats my leg

My Kind Of Perfection(EDITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz