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"it would sound just like him."

"You expect me to care about bloody hostages?" came Klaus's angry voice form the phone held tightly to Stefan's ear. He walked across the town square with the phone in his hand.

"Lola's in there."  This made Klaus stop dead in his tracks.

"Why should I care?"

Stefan sniggered at this, "let's not pretend like your relationship hasn't grown stronger over the past few days. She's my best friend, I notice things. Alright, if you don't care for Lola then you should know that Damon and Caroline do. They will kill the hunter to save her. Now, I can buy us some time, but Damon is getting antsy. So, if you want Connor alive, you better get your hybrids on board with my plan."

Connor was pouring some kind of liquid into a glass jar, he stirred it with his finger and the realization dawned on Lola. Werewolf venom.

If Klaus was in Italy, he wouldn't be home soon enough to cure the vampires who stepped foot into the bar. If this was what Lola thought it was- a bomb, obviously- at least.

April cried at the table that the four of them had been seated at, Lola rolled her eyes at this.

"He's clearly delusional. I mean, right? All this – all this talk about vampires, but I mean, he mentioned my dad."

Matt tried to calm her down, "Hey, this guy's a nut job, okay? Don't let him get in your head."

Lola's nails tapped on the wood, "Matt why are you bothering with this? If we get out of here someone will compel her to forget, if we don't, we're dead anyways." He shook his head at Lola as April got into even more of a panic, "What if he knows something? Jeremy, did he say anything to you about why he's doing this?"

Jeremy got up from his chair, scraping the legs over the floor, "I don't know. Maybe. Maybe I just can't remember." He walked in the direction of Connor.

"Let it go Jeremy!" Matt yelled, trying to stop Jeremy from acting on his curiosity. Lola and Jeremy both had a problem with being too curious for their own good.

"You said we had a conversation yesterday." Jeremy said to the man, he hummed in agreeance.

"About what?" Jeremy asked, they had gotten so far away now that the rest of the group could barely hear them, Lola messed with her cuticles, pulling the skin away from her finger and seeing the small cuts she created heal in a second. That pain you have from a hangnail, that was the best part of being connected to Klaus, never having to feel it again. Or the fact that right now she could almost hear his voice in her head, calming her down even though he didn't need to. Old Lola, the Lola she was when they met first, she would've needed the comfort that he brought her. New Lola didn't.

That was what made it possible again. That they didn't need each other to function anymore, like they used to need. They were whole people without each other, but better when they were together.

Maybe it was just the feeling of the Italian sun kissing her skin that made her feel so very relaxed in this potentially life threatening situation, that if she closed her eyes and focused she could hear the birds chirping and the men working, because that was what Niklaus could hear.

And in this dark hole she had been captured into, the feeling of the outside was a welcome distraction.

"Lola." Someone said her name and it took her a while to get back down to earth, to now, to here.

She staggered back to awareness, "yep, I'm here." She said as Matt stared her down from the other side of the table.

Connor's voice boomed from the other side of the bar, "Hey! We're gonna have visitors soon, you three get in the back. Get up!" he shouted at the three of them, "Move!" April kept crying so Matt grabbed her by the shoulders and gently moved her to the back. He was a sweet boy that Matt Donovan was.

ALWAYS LOLA // KLAUS MIKAELSON OHWhere stories live. Discover now