Chapter 41- The Wedding

Start from the beginning

"Its fine"

He shook his head and made his way beside me on the bench and rested his arms on his legs

"Amanda, she's the youngest she had a nasty fall off and I ended up in the hospital with her, I know I was wrong and I should have told you but I was just so scared" 

"Alex, its ok I understand" 

He sighed and sat back on the bench

"I got the picture, I showed the girls there really excited. There was a lot of extremely awkward questions but we managed to get through it"

I chuckled and looked at him, his eyes were sparkling and all the emotions and feelings I had pushed aside had instantly come back. He placed his hand above my stomach 

"Can I?" he asked

"Of course" 

He placed his hand so gently on top and smiled, I could feel the warmth from his hands. Without even thinking I placed my hand on top of his and squeezed it. 

"You look beautiful" 

Before I could reply he had picked me up off my feet and we were now standing face to face, I could feel his warm breath against my skin which made me shudder. He lifted his hand up and placed it at the back of my head and he came in and kissed my lips. It was slow and comforting in ways that words wouldnt  and he placed his arms around my hips and pulled me in closer. 

It was perfect. 

He pulled away and our foreheads met

"I wanna be with you and make this work, for real" he whispered as he took my hands in his

"Please" he begged

"I need you"

The dinner was over, and the sun was beginning to set. The tables were being moved and a dance floor was being put in place. I made my way back over to the bench as I was mingling all day and at this point I needed a moments break. 


I turn around and notice two little girls holding onto Alex's leg and one in his arms

"This is Annabelle, Amanda and Amy. My daughters. Girls this is Mia"

Two stared at me not knowing what to say, and one was happily sitting in Alex's arms too young to understand whats going on. 

"Hi, its nice to meet you" 

They are now staring at my giant belly and are holding on to Alex's leg. 

"Is there a baby in there" one points at me

"Yes, there is" 

"And is it going to look like us" 

"I'd like to think so, or it could have my dark hair" 

"And is it a girl or a boy" 

"Im not too sure yet"

The tallest one hits the other one and tells her to shut up 

"Annabelle, leave her alone" Alex snaps 

The oldest girl who I know now is Annabelle rolls her eyes 

"Whatever, she will never replace mom" 

She hissed and stormed back to the party

"I hope its a boy, daddy says girls are too much hard" 

I laugh at her and she continues to move her hands all over my belly. 

"Wow, cant believe theres a baby in there there so small and your ginormous " 

" Do you want to feel?"

"YES PLEASE" she shouts. 

She walks over and places her tiny cold hands on my belly

"WOW, hi baby brother or sister. Im your big sister Amy" 

Alex laughs and places his hand on her shoulder 

"Shall we get back and do some more dancing"

She nodded and practically ran up the steps and disappeared. Alex placed his hand on my lower back and guided me back up. When we got to the top we notice the party is in full swing, everyones dancing the music is loud and the happy couple are in the middle of the dance floor. 

"There you are I was wondering where you got to" 

Kourtney pulled me up to the dance floor and started twirling me around singing you got the love.

" I am so happy your here" 

"Me too" 

We hugged and before I know it, she was pulled away from me to dance with her husband which left me standing alone by myself. But soon I felt a pair of hands wrap around me and twirl me round to face him, he kissed my forehead and twirled me around again. 

"Did you think about what I said"

"Im thinking about it" 

I smirked

"You know it would make me the happiest man alive" 

I hesitantly looked up at him, he cupped my face with one hand. He learned down and his mouth covered mine, his lips were gentle but firm. Fireworks exploded inside me and the butterflies were running a marathon. 

I made my way into the house and down the corridor when Im stopped in my tracks by a shooting pain, I continued to make my way to the bathroom brushing it off as I just urgently needed to pee. I went inside and closed the bathroom door, but the pain came back again.  I sat on the toilet and took a few deep breaths to calm myself back down. I began to stand up but the pain began again, but this time they were getting worse. I made my way to the door and unlocked and opened it to find Annabelle standing there

"Are you ok" she asks me 

"Im fine" 

The pain comes again and I yelp in pain and bend over 

"Do you need me to get someone" 

Im taking deep breaths in and out and trying to keep it under control 

"No, No I'm fine honestly just a funny tummy" I lie

The pain comes back again but this time stronger and I shout in pain

"Im gonna go get daddy" she began to run down the corridor 

No, this can't be happening I'm 2 months early, the baby can't come yet its too soon. The sharp pain comes again and I can't stop the tears from rolling down. 

'No not again not again this can't be happening I cannot lose this baby not matter what happens' 

Alex comes bursting through the door with Annabelle and Amy not long behind him 

"Mia, whats wrong whats happened" 

He panics and sits down next to me I can't get the words out, they just won't come out. I just scream and cry at the same time. 

"We need to get you to a hospital now" 

I grab him by the shirt and pull him into me

"Save the baby no matter what save the baby" 

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