Because I know how you feel, his eyes seem to say. Because I tried to help him and failed, too.

“Of course. We all believe you,” Hoseok says quickly, horrified at even the thought of suspecting his friend. “But the killer may not know that you tried to help Joonhyung, right? He or she might be holding you equally responsible-”

“Let me stop you right there, Hoseok,” Jungkook interrupts, holding up a finger. He turns to Miran, disbelief etched over his features. “This is all assuming that these killings indeed have something to do with Lee Joonhyung. But we don’t know that for sure yet. This could all still just be a coincidence.”

But Namjoon shakes his head, the rays of light bouncing off his silver locks. “Once, or maybe even twice, is a coincidence, Jungkook. But thrice? I think the fuck not.”

“I agree,” Jimin chips in slowly. But there is a quiver to his lips which doesn’t quite let his words ring true. “I think it’s worth looking into. It’s not like the detectives have any other leads yet.”

A frown creases Miran’s forehead. But it is Yoongi who voices the thought running rampant in her head. “What about Choi Ara, then? You said that she wasn’t a part of this clique. Then why was she one of the victims?”

This time, she notices Jimin turn his head away slightly, a shiver wracking his arm. But she doesn’t put too much stock into it, pondering over Yoongi’s question instead. “I can’t even begin to imagine-” She halts suddenly, an idea taking root in her head. Choi Ara. Choi. Oh god, could it be?

“What?” Taehyung prods, shifting closer to the couch, his features contorting with anxiety. “You just thought of something.” As always, her brother is overtly perceptive of even the slightest of changes in her demeanour.

“Choi Hongbin,” she breathes, her eyes widening as they rove over everyone present in the room. “That was the dealer in-charge of our group.”

“For fuck's sake.” Jungkook throws his hands up into the air, while Namjoon begins to connect the dots, suddenly springing forward, his body surging with newfound energy.

“Let me guess. Ara could be a relative of this Choi Hongbin fellow. She has to be. That would explain the motive.” He rubs his chin in a way which alerts Miran to the fact that her ingenious friend is about to spout a theory. And he doesn’t disappoint.

“So one fine day, the killer somehow happens to run into Ara. Let’s assume he or she knows everything about what happened to Joonhyung. And they’re boiling with fury and rage at the misfortune which befell him. They see Ara, a relation of the accursed drug dealer, and they snap. Why should she be allowed to walk around freely, when someone important to the killer has been ruthlessly snatched from him or her? They blame Hongbin for supplying Joonhyung with the heroin, so he or she strikes, strangles Ara in a moment of misplaced justice and seething resentment, and then just keeps going from there.”

Namjoon’s words ripple through the folds of the air itself. Everyone is silent, until Yoongi intervenes.

“So our omniscient killer, who has somehow managed to discover all the covert details about the drug den, knows about everyone who was involved, and has now decided to tick them off the list one by one? Shouldn’t I have been the first one, then? Considering that I was the one who led Joonhyung down that path.”

Miran’s friends stare at him open-mouthed, and Yoongi remembers that they do not know this. So he quickly plunges into the story, giving them only the necessary details. There is no point in hiding anything anymore. Not if what Miran believes is true.

After Yoongi has finished relaying his part, Taehyung raises his hand. “Well, maybe the killer isn’t through with this yet. Namjoon did say that Ara may have been an impulsive kill, but from there, he or she decided to exact vengeance upon everyone.”

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