Injuries and Mysteries

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"Bozer!" Cathy screamed into her phone. The line was dead and ringing into her ear.

"Cathy," Mac ran into the war room, "What's wrong?"

Cathy fumbled for her car keys. They dropped onto the floor. Cathy went to pick them up when Mac stopped her.

"It's Bozer." Cathy croaked. A tear slipped down her cheek.

Mac quickly took Cathy's hand and the two ran out to the car. They got in and Mac started the engine. Mac put the car into drive and sped off.


Once Cathy and Mac arrived at Stevens house, they parked the car and both of them got out. Cathy ran towards the opened door and down the basement stairs. Her eyes landed on her father.

"Dad!" Cathy ran over towards her bleeding father. He groaned as he rolled his head to look at her.

"Mac, call an ambulance!" Cathy screamed.


A nurse was talking to Cathy and Mac. She told them that Cathy's father had been shot once in the shoulder, and had lost lots of blood. He was lucky to be alive.

Cathy and Mac entered stevens room. His eyes were opened.

"Hi." Cathy smiled as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

Steven smiled.

"Dad," Cathy's voice quivered, "I need you to tell me what happened at your house."

Steven cleared his throat.

"These men came into my home, I found Jack tied up in my basement. They held me and Jack at gun point. Bozer came downstairs and spooked them. They shot me and Bozer. Then they took both Bozer and Jack. Left me to die down in my very own basement.

Cathy put her hand over her mouth to stifle a sob.

"We need to find Bozer and Jack," Mac said, "and soon."


Jack dragged Bozer closer to his body.

"Come on Bozer," Jack pulled off his coat and tied it around Bozers gun shot wound.

"Ahh!" Bozer cringed.

"You gotta stay with me Boze," Jack held Bozers head in his hands, "you have to do it for Mac and Cathy, alright?"

"Yeah." Bozer groaned. He began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Jack asked.

"First, I get stabbed," Bozer groaned in pain, "next, I get shot."

"You just gotta hang tight buddy."

"Don't worry," Bozer smiled up at Jack, "I'm not leaving."

Jack smiled.


"This is all my fault." Cathy wiped her tears away. "I should've never made them go alone. They should've had back up."

Mac grabbed Cathy's shoulders.

"This is not your fault, Cathy."

"It feels like it is." Cathy sniffed.

Mac brought Cathy closer to his chest and hugged her.

"We'll find them, I promise."


"Ok Boze," Jack dragged Bozer near a barred  window. The bars were rusted and cracked in certain places. "Let's get out of this hell hole, shall we?"

Jack brought his elbow back, and then brought it onto the rusted bars. A few of them broke away, but it wasn't enough.

"Damn." Jack cradled his arm.

"Be careful Jack," Bozer coughed, "don't want to hurt yourself too early."

Jack smirked.

"It's a good thing you're making jokes." Jack smiled.

Bozer gave a tired smile and groaned in pain.

"Just hang tight Boze," Jack said, "I'll get us out of this mess, I promise."


"Dad," Cathy looked at the bag full of clothes, "where do you think you're going?"

"The hospital is letting me go," Steven groaned as he got off of the hospital bed, "they said the wound should heal in about a few months."

"You can't leave," Cathy crossed her arms over her chest, "it's too dangerous."

Steven smiled and walked over towards his daughter.

"I'll be fine." Steven smiled. "Besides, I've got the strongest Phoenix agent to protect me."

Cathy smiled and sighed.

"Okay, Just, don't get hurt alright?"

"I promise." Steven smiled and leaned forward to place a small kiss on Cathy's forehead.

"Cathy." Mac called.

"Yeah Mac?"

"We need to be at Phoenix, now."

Cathy turned towards her father.

"You don't mind getting a ride to Phoenix by yourself right?"

Steven smiled.

"Not at all. Besides, I think I might have something at my house that could help with evidence."

Cathy smiled and hugged her father.

"Be safe please."

"Always." Steven replied.


"What is it Matty?" Mac asked as he and Cathy walked into the war room.

"I found Dalton's computer on my desk this morning."

"Didn't he have it with him?" Cathy asked.

"Apparently not." Matty said.

"Matty," Cathy stepped forward, "you don't seem alright. What's up?"

"Miss Kane," Matty started, "I feel like you shouldn't be in this room when I reveal the killer of your mother."

"You found the killer?!" Cathy felt like a weight just lifted off of her shoulders.

"Yes," Matty sighed and opened up Jacks laptop. "But it's someone we all know."

"Who could it-" Cathy was cut off when she saw her fathers name connecting to the strand of hair found on the syringe.

"No." Cathy slowly backed away from the computer. "No, no, no!" Cathy bumped into Mac. He held her in his arms as she began to sob.

"No." Cathy cried into Mac's shirt.

"I'm sorry Cathy," Matty closed Jacks computer, "but, we have to bring in your father. Once we find him, we'll be able to find Bozer and Jack."

Cathy sniffed and wiped her eyes. She nodded her head and cleared her throat.

"Let's go get that son of a bitch."

The three of them took back up and headed towards Stevens house. The only thing they didn't know was that Bozer was slowly running out of time. And Jack was running out of patience.

Don't Leave, Pleaseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें