Scary moments

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Cathy woke up to the smell of bacon.

At first, she was excited, then she became confused. Unless Lance learned how to cook, he'd be making the breakfast. But last time Cathy checked, he can't cook.

Cathy got out of bed, and walked towards the kitchen.

"Mac?" Cathy said surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"I made you and Lance breakfast." Mac smiled.

"You didn't have to." Cathy laughed.

Mac shrugged his shoulders.

"I know I didn't."

"Lance! Breakfast!" Cathy waited for the little boy to come running out of his room, but he didn't.

"Lance?" Cathy made her way to the guest bedroom. The little boy was still lying in bed.

"Lance?" Cathy walked towards his bed. She shook the little boy awake. But he didn't wake up.

"Mac!" Cathy's voice shook with worry, "somethings wrong!" Cathy picked up Lance in her arms.

"What is it?" Mac ran to the door.

"He's not waking up." Cathy looked up at Mac.

"Get in the car, I can drive us to the nearest hospital." Mac grabbed his keys and ran outside.


Gabby came running into the waiting room.

"What happened?"

"Lance, didn't wake up." Cathy looked up at her best friend, "we got him to the hospital, he's in surgery."

"Surgery?" Gabby's voice shook.

"We don't know anything yet." Mac said.

As soon as he said that, the surgeon came out.

"He's ok. Just a little tired still."

Everyone sighed.

"We'll tell you what happened tomorrow morning. Let you guys rest." The surgeon nodded his head and walked away.

The group walked towards Lances room. The little boy was asleep.

Tears pricked Gabby's and Cathy's eyes.

Lance began to stir. His eyes slowly opened.

"Mommy?" Lance said groggily.

"I'm here sweetie." Gabby grabbed a chair and brought it close to her sons bedside. She held his little hand in hers.

Cathy sat down next to Mac on the sofa. Mac was already asleep.

Cathy chuckled and watched Gabby talk to her son. Her eyes fluttered, Cathy yawned and placed her head on Mac's shoulder. Her eyes soon closed, and she fell asleep.


"His appendix?" Cathy heard Gabby's voice. Her eyes slowly opened. She realized she was lying down completely on the couch, a blanket was on top of her.

"Gabby," Cathy sat up, "Where's Mac?"

"I think he said he was going to work." Gabby shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention back to the doctor.

Cathy closed her eyes and sighed.

"I have to go to work." She said quietly to herself.

"Gabby," Cathy said as she stood up from the sofa, "I need to go to work, I'll come by maybe during my lunch time to see Lance."

Gabby nodded her head.

Soon, Cathy had her things and was out the door.


"Mac," Cathy said flatly as she saw her friend slam his body against the glass prison she was in, "Mac, it isn't going to work."

Mac stopped.

Suddenly, water started rushing in.

"Oh my god!" Cathy yelled in anger, "What more is there?!"

"Just, stay calm, I'll think of something". Mac paced in front of Cathy.

The water had already reached Cathy's knees.

"This water's really cold!" Cathy began to shiver a little.

Mac stopped pacing. He quickly walked over to one of the pipes on the wall.

"Mac?" Cathy looked at him confused, "What's with that weird look on your face?"

Jack came running down the stairs.

"What the hell is Cathy doing in a glass box?" Jack looked at Cathy.

"Hi." Cathy waved to him and smiled.

"I need you to step back." Mac told Cathy. She did as she was told, but she had to swim back.

"Mac, you better hurry up." Jack looked worried as he watched Cathy get completely submerged in water.

Mac slammed the pipe against the glass prison a few times. A small crack formed.

"Mac!" Jack yelled.

Just then, the glass prison shattered. Cathy came spilling out. Her hair stuck to her face. She coughed a few times and laid on the ground.

"You ok?" Mac asked as he helped Cathy up.

"Yup." Cathy moved her hair out of her eyes.

An armed guard came down the stairs and spotted the group. He aimed his gun at Jack.

Cathy's eyes widened. She quickly reached for Jacks gun, pulled it out of its holster, and aimed at the armed guard. Then, she fired.

Both men looked at her as if they didn't know her.

Cathy gave the gun back to Jack and walked up the stairs as if nothing happened.

"Where in the hell does a girl learn to do that?" Jack looked at Mac.

"I don't know." Mac said quietly, "I don't. know."

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