Going Rogue

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Cathy felt bad for leaving Mac. But she wanted to keep him safe. She didn't want him hurt. She didn't want anyone hurt.

Cathy let out a long sigh. She looked at the time on the radio, she knew Mac would be up by now.

"This is really going to kill him." Cathy whined to herself. She couldn't think about this now, she needed to find Murdoc and end his madness. Or, at least try to.


Mac woke up and got out of bed. He was happy that he had Cathy. He wouldn't stop thinking about her at all.

Mac got dressed and opened his bedroom door. He stepped out into the living room and noticed it was quiet, too quiet.

Mac's eyes moved towards Cathy's room. They locked onto the half opened door.

"Cathy?" Mac called out as he made his way over towards her room. "Cathy."

His hand pushed the door fully open. The bedsheets were messed up, Cathy's closet was still open, and one of Mac's bags were gone.

Mac ran out of her room and went into the kitchen. He grabbed his phone and called Jack.

"Yes sir?" Jack answered.

"Jack!" Mac sighed with relief as his friend picked up, "Cathy's not here, she's gone!"

"What?!" Jack exclaimed, "I'll get there as fast as I can." Jack then hung up.

Mac placed his phone down on the counter and ran both of his hands through his hair. His eyes went to the piece of paper on the half wall in front of him.

Mac grabbed the paper and began to read it.

He sighed with frustration and anger. He kept hearing her words echo in his mind.

"I wasn't planning on leaving."

Mac picked up his phone and opened the calling list. He tapped Cathy's name and waited for her to pick up her phone.

The phone rang, and rang, and rang.

There was a beep.

"Hi, this is Cathy, I'm too busy right now to answer the phone," you could hear laughter in the background, "please leave a message, and I'll try to call you back. Thanks!" Cathy began to giggle, "Mac! What on earth are you trying to do? This is charades!" Then the beep noise came back on.

"Cathy, whatever you're doing, needs to stop. You're going to get yourself killed! Please, just come back home and we can do this, together." Mac hung up.

Jack stepped through the front door.

"So what's the problem? Why is Cathy not here?" Jack asked as he put his car keys in his pocket.

Mac handed Jack, Cathy's note.

"She went to go and hunt down Murdoc herself."

Jack looked up from the note.

"Let's get to HQ, I'm sure we can track her."

Mac sighed.

"Let's hope."


Cathy got to a small motel place. She bought herself a room and settled down for a bit.

The sun shined into the room, but it didn't make Cathy any happier.

Suddenly, her phone began to ring. Cathy picked it up, but did not answer it.

"I knew this would happen." Cathy said as she waited for the voicemail. Cathy's heart broke when she heard Mac's voice.

"We can do this together, just come home, Ok?"

Cathy wanted to call Mac back, but she knew how fast Phoenix would find her.

Cathy's phone began to ring again, but it wasn't Mac this time.

"Hello?" Cathy answered.

"Ah, dearest Catherine, it's so good to hear from you." Murdock's sarcasm dripped with hate.

"Likewise." Cathy growled. "Where are you? I want to meet up."

Murdoc chuckled.

"Oh, we both know that's not true."

"I'm going to find you Dennis, I can promise you that."

"Oooo using real names now are we?" Murdoc laughed.

"I'll catch up to you, it's like a game of tag, I'm it. You're next." Cathy hung up the phone. She began to pack up her things. Cathy left some money on the bed and walked out the door. Cathy then unlocked her car and placed her stuff in the back seat. She got into the drivers seat and started the car. Then, Cathy drove away from the motel.


"Where's Kane?" Matty asked as Jack, Bozer, Riley and Mac walked into the war room.

"She's gone rogue Matty." Jack said.

"She went after Murdoc by herself." Mac said as he pulled up a map on the big screen. "Riley-"

"Already on it." Riley typed away on her computer.

"Find her," Matty said with concern in her voice, "and find her soon."

Mac nodded his head and helped with the search for Cathy.

"I don't want her to be another victim." Mac thought, "I can't lose her."

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