Fast Heartbeat

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Cathy woke up and smiled. She felt happy today. Happy to be alive.

Cathy smiled and thought about last night. How she kissed Mac on the cheek. Cathy needed to tell Mac, she felt like she had to tell him. More sooner than later. As Cathy got up and walked around Mac's house, she was almost taken down by a little boy.

"Lance!" Cathy squealed and picked up the Little boy, "I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Cathy." Lance wrapped his small arms around her neck.

"Ahem." Gabby held her arms out for a hug.

Cathy set Lance down and hugged her friend. Behind Cathy, Mac was leaning against the wall smiling.

Cathy let go of Gabby and smiled at Mac.

"Did you, drive them here?" Cathy asked.

"Yup." Mac replied.

"Thank you." Cathy smiled.

"Anything that would make you feel better." Mac said as he left the room.

Gabby suddenly grabbed her friend by the shoulders.

"Have you said anything to him yet?" Gabby asked.

Cathy was confused.

"What? No! Why would I?" Cathy asked. She looked at her friend as she said nothing. Cathy gasped. "You said something to him didn't you?"

"They wanted to know anything new you said about Danny," Gabby confessed, "I might've spilled a little bit."

Cathy groaned and dragged her hands down her face.

"Did he say anything?" Cathy asked.

"I don't think so." Gabby said quietly.

Cathy sighed and ran her hands through her hair. Her phone began to buzz.

"I have to go." Cathy said as she hugged her friend goodbye, "I'll see you later, Ok?"

Gabby smiled and nodded her head.


"Good, you're all here." Matty said as she entered the room, "you all know what you have to do, correct?"

Everyone nodded their head except for Cathy.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't get anything."

Matty looked at Cathy.

"You'll be off for this mission because of your recent injury."

"What?!" Cathy huffed, "but I'm fine! I can-"

"You have an order," Matty glared at her, "I suggest you follow it."

Cathy sighed angrily and walked out of the room. She came back a few minutes later to check up on the team.

"How long are you guys gonna be gone for?" Cathy asked as she walked into the room.

"I don't know," Mac said, "it depends on how fast we complete our mission."

"I'll time you if you want me too." Cathy joked.

Mac chuckled. He closed up his bag and suitcase, and walked towards Cathy.

"It's gonna be pretty boring without you." Mac smiled.

Cathy chuckled.

"I'm sure it might not be."

Mac chuckled.

There was silence for a few seconds. Then Cathy spoke up.

"Mac, I-"

"Mac!" Jack called from the end of the hallway, "let's go man!"

"One second!" Mac yelled back. He looked at Cathy. "What were you going to say?"

"Um, never mind." Cathy smiled. "Please be careful."

"Aren't I always?" Mac smirked.

Cathy raised a brow.

"Ok, maybe not all the time." Mac laughed.

"Come back in one piece." Cathy told Mac as he began to walk away. But, he stopped and came back towards Cathy. Mac quickly pecked Cathy on the cheek and walked away.

Cathy could feel her heart beating fast. She could feel her cheeks burning. But, she hoped for something more than just a peck on the cheek. But for now, it'd do.


Day 1...

Cathy stood in the empty room at the Phoenix Foundation. It's strange not having the team in the room. But, she'd have to get used to it.

Cathy came out of her thoughts as Matty came into the room.

"Good morning Matty." Cathy smiled.

Matty only nodded. She walked towards the screen and set up a video chat.

"What do you have so far Mac?" Matty asked.

Mac looked into the camera. "So far, we have nothing, the plane here is totaled, it looks like the prisoner escaped though."

"You need to find her." Matty urged, "she's dangerous."

Mac sighed. His head lifted towards the plane.

"We're gonna inspect the wreckage, see what we can find." Mac said. "We'll let you know if we find anything." The screen went dark. Matty did a few things on her phone, then she left the room.

Cathy found a paper clip on the table in front of her and began to fiddle with it. She chuckled to herself.

"I see why Mac loves these so much."

Cathy played with the paper clip until it was in the shape of a heart.

Cathy smiled down at her creation. Then, her smile turned into a small frown. She sighed and threw the paper clip onto the table. Cathy grabbed her coat, and headed out. She drove back to Mac's house and slowly walked inside. The place was quiet. Cathy was a bit uncomfortable with this.

Cathy set her stuff down and walked towards the couch. She sat down and sighed. Her eyes slowly closed. Then, they opened. Cathy had a strange feeling she might not get a lot of sleep tonight.

"I need to tell Mac," Cathy said to herself, "this is gonna be harder than I thought." Cathy sighed, she rolled onto her left side and covered herself up with a blanket. She then attempted to try and fall asleep.

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