"He's What?"

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Jack woke up in a dimly lit room. The walls looked like cement with water trailing down from cracks. The smell of mold wafted up his nose.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't wake up." Steven said as he stood in front of Jack.

"You crazy son of a bitch!" Jacks hands tightened on the ropes that bound him to the chair. "You won't get away with this."

"True," Steven smiled, "I may wind up in prison. But, I may not. I just have to see how my story ends." And with that, Steven walked up the basement stairs and slammed the door shut. Jack was now alone. In a murderers basement.


The team had been at Phoenix for at least three hours. There was still no sign of Jack anywhere.

Cathy walked into the war room with her phone in her hand.

"Jack's not answering any of my calls or texts."

"Maybe he lost his phone." Bozer said.

Mac shook his head.

"After I kept using his phone for missions, Jack never let his phone out of his sight."

"Maybe we should-"

"I just got a text from Jack," Steven said as he walked into the war room, "he said that he's sick, won't be in today."

Everyone was quiet.

"What?" Steven looked confused.

"Nothing," Cathy put her phone away, "I'm just surprised that Jack answered your text and not mine."

Steven only shrugged his shoulders.


"He's What?" Matty stared at the group.

"Jack is sick, he won't be in today." Cathy repeated.

"Why didn't he just call me?" Matty asked.

Cathy shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know."

"Well, someone go check on him and check if he's actually sick." Matty walked out of the war room and disappeared around the corner.

"I'll do it." Both Steven and Bozer said in unison. They looked at each other with strange looks.

"How about the two of you check on him." Cathy smiled.

"Alright," Steven said, "but I need to stop by my house first. I forgot to grab something."

"Okay." Bozer shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't be gone too long though," Cathy said to her father, "we still have work to do."

"Yes ma'am." Steven laughed and saluted Cathy.

Cathy chuckled and shook her head.


"Wait here, I'll be out in a second or two." Steven closed the car door and ran inside his house.

Bozer tapped his fingers against his thigh. As he looked around at Stevens truck, He saw that Steven had left his phone in the truck. Cathy was calling him.

Bozer answered the phone and unbuckled himself.

"Hey Cathy," Bozer put the phone against his ear. "Yeah, we're still at your fathers house. I'm walking inside right now to give him the phone. Just, stay on, I'm already inside." Bozer opened up the front door and stepped inside. The door closed behind him.

"Yo Steven!" Bozer called out, "Cathy's on the phone looking for you!"

There was no answer.

"Steven?" Bozer called out again.

Bozer heard a few thuds and a grunt coming from downstairs. The basement door was open.

"Steven?" Bozer called out again, this time, a little quieter.

Bozer slowly made his way towards the basement door and listened. There was another grunt.

Bozer hesitated, But slowly made his way down the steps.

"No one is coming for you Dalton." Stevens voice filled Bozers ears. "So stop fighting. It's not worth it."

"Bozer," Cathy's voice came from the phone, "who's in my fathers house?"

Bozer didn't answer. He was shocked to find Steven beating Jack up.

As Bozer took one more step, the stairs moaned under all the weight. Bozer stood there, frozen.

Steven stopped punching Jack and whipped his head towards the stairs.

"Bozer," Steven said quietly, "I told you to wait in the car."

"Bozer?" Cathy's voice filled his ears, "Bozer, what's going on?" There was a pause. "Bozer, can you hear me?!"

"Boze," Jack grunted, "Get out!"

"Was that Jack?" Cathy asked.

"I'm sorry Bozer," Steven sighed. "You weren't supposed to be down here, you weren't supposed to be in this mess." Steven cocked the gun that was now in his hand. "I'm sorry."

Shots were heard throughout the house. The phone Bozer had in his hand was now on the cold, concrete floor.

"Bozer!" Cathy yelled, "Bozer what happened?! Are you alright?!"

That was the last time Cathy ever heard from, or saw, Bozer.

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