"So... Does this Make us CSI?"

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"This is my mother's car." Cathy said as she brushed her fingers against the dusty body. "How long has it been here for?"

"At least three weeks." Bozer said as he looked into the car.

"Nothing in here shows a sign of struggle." Jack took of his dirty gloves and dusted himself off.

"Cathy," Mac called from inside the car, "who else did you say was coming to help?"

Cathy moved a single strand of her hair out of her eyes.

"My Dad said he was coming to help, I couldn't say no to him."

Mac chuckled.

"No seriously," Cathy got serious, "I tried to tell him no, but he wouldn't listen. He desperately wanted to come and help." 

Just then, Cathy's dad pulled up to the scene in a dark blue pick up truck.

"Sorry I'm late," Steven walked over towards his daughter and kissed her on the forehead, "I had to take a call."

Cathy smiled.

"That's ok. I'm just glad you're here to help."

Steven smiled. Then, he got to work.


It had been three hours. The team had gone back to HQ to see what kind of evidence they had.

Cathy sat in a wheelie chair and spun around. Bozer was busy working on some fingerprints that he found on the cars body.

"So...." Cathy stopped spinning, "does this make us CSI?"

Bozer stopped what he was doing and looked at Cathy.


"CSI." Cathy laughed at Bozers confusion. "Surely you know what CSI is."

Bozer was silent.

"Crime scene investigations, it's also a TV show Boze."

"One, that I'd like to forget." Jack said as he and Mac walked into the lab. Cathy giggled.

"You were in it?" Bozer looked at Jack with a shocked look on his face.

Jack waved him off and went towards one of the tables that held all of the "mystery" items. These were either found in Cathy's moms car, or near it.

"How's it look over there Jack?" Cathy asked.

Jack looked at the syringe that was found in Elisa's car. A small strand of hair could be seen on the syringe. Jack took the strand of hair and placed it underneath a microscope that was connected to his computer. The DNA match that came up surprised him.

"Umm...." Jack scratched his head. His eyes kept going towards Steven.

"Did you find something Jack?" Cathy asked as she walked towards his computer. Jack quickly shut it. Cathy gave Jack a confused look.

"Jack, is everything alright?" Cathy asked.

Jack cleared his throat.

"Yeah, I just um, forgot to charge my computer. It. Died."

Cathy looked into jacks eyes. She sensed that he was lying but, she also sensed that he was telling the truth.

"Ok." Cathy walked back over to her original seat and sat down. Her father walked towards Cathy and the two began to talk.

Mac walked over to Jack.

"Are you sure everything is alright with you?" Mac asked.

Jack couldn't take his eyes off of Steven. He felt oddly disturbed that Steven could just smile and laugh even though he killed his own wife.


Jack took his gaze off of Steven and looked at Mac.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jack ran his hand through his hair, "I think I just need to get some air, or something." Jack took his computer and the syringe and walked out of the room.

Cathy stood up.

"I should talk to him." Cathy went to leave the room, but her father had stopped her.

"I'll talk to him, how's that?"

Cathy smiled and nodded her head. Steven then ran after Jack.


"Hey Jack, wait up!" Steven caught up to Jack.

"I appreciate that you're trying to help me," Jack avoided eye contact with Steven, "but I'd like to be alone right now."

"Did you find something?" Steven's eyes locked onto the bag that contained the syringe.

"No, not really."

Steven looked at Jack. He knew he was lying.

"Are you sure? You acted pretty strange back in the lab."

Jack nodded his head and gave a small smile.

"I'm sure."

Steven sighed.

"Ok, well, just let us know if you find anything."

Jack nodded his head and began to walk away.

"Will do."


Jack decided to leave early. He grabbed his stuff and headed out towards his car. As Jack got closer to his car, he took out his car keys and unlocked his car. But Jack never reached his car.

A wet cloth went over Jacks nose and mouth. His eyes widened in shock and surprise. Jack tried to get out of the persons hold, but, he was stronger than Jack.

As the person took the cloth off of Jacks face, Jack sluggishly turned around to see who it was that had just drugged him. When Jack saw Steven holding the cloth, he swore under his breath.

"You should've stayed out of this Dalton." Stevens voice echoed in Jacks ears.

"You're a monster." Jack slurred as he tried to fight of the blackness that began to overtake him. Suddenly, Jack fell to the ground. He was out cold.

"Let's get you out of here, shall we?" Steven grabbed Jacks left arm and slung it over his neck. Then, he dragged Jack towards his dark blue pick up truck, placed Jack in the trunk, and covered the trunk up. Then, Steven locked the trunk and got into the drivers seat. He placed his key into the ignition and turned the key to start the truck. As the truck started, Steven couldn't help but smile. This was going just the way he had planned.

"One down," Steven put his truck into drive, "five more to go."

Steven then drove out of the Phoenix parking lot.

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