He chuckles and I turn back to face him. "It would seem that way."

I look down trying to look at the necklace on my neck but my head is in the way. "Guess we're twins now, yeah? How do I work this thing?"

"I never wielded the millennium necklace, so I am unsure. I still have holes in my memory of my past but, I'm sure you'll discover it yourself. When the time is right."

After my deep conversation with the great Pharaoh, proceeding to our next class feels like torture. Although seeing Joey and Tea is wonderful and Tea compliments the necklace on me, class drags. My mind is far away from class. Outside. Where it's beginning to rain. I love the rain.

The light breeze blows through the short, wet, green grass. Clouds fill the sky and sprinkle down water droplets. Thunder roars and lightning cracks in the far distance. Only one other student occupies the courtyard, Marik. He holds his head between his hands like he did at the locker and walks with his head and eyes down. Something's not right. He stumbles toward the street groaning from the pain from his headache and I see the flash of a yellow school bus.

"NO!" I jump out of my desk, startling the whole class, including the teacher.

I thought I was right next to him. I could have sworn I was outside in the rain. That felt so real. I look out the window and see rain droplets beginning to fall from the sky only just barely. This is just the amount of rain from my imagination. A flash of lightning follows in the distance just as I saw as well.

"Miss Schroeder!" The teacher snaps, "If you have a different opinion on the subject it's perfectly fine to make a statement, but this--"

I snatch my backpack off the ground and shove my things into my backpack, speaking wildly, "I'msosorryIhavetogobye!!!"

Taking off from class I run down the hall as fast as my legs will carry me. I trip when I try to slow down around a corner but I quickly stumble back on my feet again. Bursting through the front doors of the school, the rain drips onto my hair from the sky and I hear the thunder rolling through the clouds. Like a mad woman, I scan the school grounds and I see Marik shuffling towards the road just as I saw in my head.

"MARIK, NO!" I screech out the words as I dart towards him.

He hears me, stopping and raising his head questioning and my heart races. He's in the middle of the road. I see the flash of yellow approaching quickly and hear the brakes but it's not going to stop soon enough. I throw myself forward and tackle Marik. We roll across the asphalt and I know I hit a few things as the bus' brakes squeal and whine to a stop.

Adrenaline courses through my bloodstream as I sit up. Marik is staring at me with wide eyes in complete shock. Our small forming audience doesn't shy away from staring. My concerned teacher left class to follow me and just arrived along with the whole class and principal of the school. And a couple wanderers who were skipping class also trickle around. The bus driver exits and runs over to check on us as the principal phones an ambulance.

My attention goes to Marik, "Are you okay?!"

Marik appears to be at a loss for words. He's scratched up from us hitting the road pretty hard but besides that he seems okay. Doesn't look like anything is broken, maybe bruises but that's all. I'm relieved I got here in time. But, how did I know this was going to happen? And why does my head itch?

"Hapu! Are you alright?" My teacher rushes to me with Tea, Joey and Yami.

Marik is staring straight at the millennium necklace that sits on my neck.

With a concerned look on her face, Tea leans over me, "That looks bad."

"Did ya see how she dove at him from da window?" Joey asks. "It was incredible! She flew at him like he was holdin' a football or somethin'!"

"We need an ambulance." Yami added.

I look over at Marik, my head still itching a bit. Besides a check up I think he appears fine to me. I'm not really sure what the big deal is rather than P.T.S.D. treatment.

"But, he looks fine," I start, "just bruising for the aftermath. I think we just need a quick trip to the school nurse."

I try to stand and everyone freaks out at me and pushes me back down, including Marik. "You shouldn't stand. And you shouldn't have risked your life for someone like me." Marik's somber tone confuses me.

"But, I'm fine. Marik, you were the one who was in danger. Why is everyone fussing over me?" I shake my head.

Just because of my status and last name, doesn't mean I should be treated better or more delicately than others.

"And your veins are full of adrenaline right now." The school nurse runs up to me. "You can't feel the pain yet, sweetie, so that's good. I'll clean you up a little so it's easier for the paramedics to treat you."

Ugh, why does my head itch so much? I reach up and feel my wet hair and the nurse grabs my hand and removes it from my head. It comes back red. I thought my hair was wet from the rain but it doesn't rain blood.

"Let's not do that right now, honey." The nurse sighs as she wipes my hand with a cloth.

She then carefully checks Marik over and states how she thinks he might have cracked a rib. Better a rib than his whole body. The teacher and the principal chat for a bit and start sending everyone back to their classes. The school kids groan, obviously hoping they could skip the rest of class for this. My friends let me know they'll visit me after school and Marik insists he go with me in the ambulance. Because of the circumstances, the nurse let's him and he rides with me.

Laying on the stretcher in the ambulance my heart slows down and I start feeling a dull ache. My body will be sore for a bit. Thinking back, I can sort of recall landing funny. Specifically, landing on my head. Just my luck. I wince and Marik takes my hand. I stare at him, a bit dazed.

"I'm relieved I got there in time."

He nods, "You used the power of the millennium necklace."

"You know about the millennium items?" My eyelids feel heavy.

He strokes my hand lightly, "My sister was the last wearer of that necklace. It grants visions of the future."

I groan, my head doesn't feel like it's just itching anymore. "But I didn't even try to use it."

Marik pats my hand, "We can talk about this another time. You should focus on yourself. You hit your head."

"I noticed." I laugh lightly but immediately regret it. "What about your head?"

Marik gives me a surprised expression, "My head?"

"You were having terrible headaches weren't you?" I suck in a breath, I'm having my own headaches right now too.

He stays quiet.


"Another time."

"But--" My eyelids finally become too heavy and I lose consciousness hearing his panicked calls to the paramedics.

Yugioh: Walk With FateWhere stories live. Discover now