So What If Its Forbidden? Pt 1

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(A/n) so here's a brief summery, i don't usually do this but this one needs it.

Angel JK and Demon Taehyung

'Nuff said

*3rd person POV*


Heaven and Hell, Angel and Demon, top and bottom. Angels are the ones who control all things good, and demons do the opposite. Common knowledge right? Most Angels would agree so, but not Jungkook. He often wondered why things were what they were.

"Its just the natural order" other Angels would say

That was never a good enough answer for him. Jungkook, since small was forbidden to go anywhere near the Earth or near Hell what-so-ever. He had been pinned as weak, and it was driving him nuts.

"Namjoon" Jungkook said to the Archangel suddenly


"Im going to Earth" He stated simply

"Jungkook I cannot allow that--" Namjoon was cut off

"I don't care!!! I'm tired of being 'weak' compared to you and every other Angel, I'm going to Earth" Jungkook yelled

Then he disappeared from Namjoon's sight.


Kim Taehyung, a powerful demon, stuck in hell's prison. Why? Because he had disobeyed the big man himself, old Lucifer. He smirked, watching the demons pass him, changing his guard.

"Hey come on Yoong's, we're old pals. Partners in crime, won't you maybe leave the keys by mistake?" Taehyung asked him, leaning against the bars, keeping him from freedom

"I'd love too, but I would rather keep my head and freedom thank you very much" Yoongi replied

"Awe.... Well thats too bad, I didn't want to resort to violence" Tae whispered, twirling the knife he had made behind his back

"Oh please you cant do--" Yoongi got cut off, only the sound of gurgling was now heard

Taehyung smirked devilishly, watching as Yoongi crumpled to the floor and dropping the keys in the process, blood seeping from the wound on his neck.

"Sorry mate, but its time I get my freedom back"


Hiding Angel wings was a real bitch. The white feathers would always try and pop out at the worst times. Not to mention, he dropped feathers almost everywhere, talk about easy to track. But in all honesty, Earth was a pretty nice place. Of course Jungkook got some strange looks, I mean he did have an usually large bulge on his back. 

"What have we here?" Jungkook turned his head to the sound of a deep male voice

The boy he saw standing in front of him was no less than perfection. He had bright red hair, plump lips, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. So dark, you could mistake them for black. The boy had a smirk on his face as he scanned Jungkook from head to toe. Jungkook felt almost completely entranced by the boys dark captivating eyes, but something stirred in the back of his mind telling him he was trouble.

"Excuse me, um are you talking to me?" Jungkook asked uncertainly

"I am" The boy replied simply

"I don't believe we've met...?"Jungkook asked, though it sounded more like a statement

The boy smirked, almost devilishly in Jungkook's eyes. Something was really off about this guy, and Jungkook didn't like him one bit.

"Oh no silly me~ The name is Taehyung~" The boy growled

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