6. Wrong About Being Wrong

Start from the beginning

I gulp down the last bit of pride I seemed to have and spoke up.

"Um. Earlier...when you kinda ran off after...ya know?" I imply to her basically asking me out after our first class. I could see that she had silently shuddered at the thought of it coming back up.

"You didn't exactly give me time to wrap my head around what you said so I could gather up my response." I said.

"It's just I'm not really used to--" she cuts me off "...to a girl asking you out, yeah yeah. Spare me the sweet talk. I get it, you're not interested, you can go now." She says a bit harshly.

I somehow gain a bit confidence feeding into her now clearly open and edgy side.

"Not what I was gonna say at all. I was gonna say I'm not used to gorgeous and attractive, smart and stunning girls such as yourself to approach me." I smirk at how I finally said something that was brave.

Her head slowly raises to meet my now awkwardly seductive gaze and her eyes are widened, clearly showing that merciful amazing emerald green pool of wonder as her cheeks start to redden.

"Um..I uh, I don't understand." She questions my previous statement. "I saw you with the Deli truck boy and I--" i quickly cur her off catching on to what's going on.

"Austin? What? No. No no no. He was just giving me a rather friendly tour of the campus. I only took him up on it because I was afraid of being some nonsocial dimwit. We're not actually a thing."

"So...you left him to...find me?" She asks. I nod with a smile at how cute she was putting all of this together.

"Had you have given me the chance earlier I would have responded with a 'why of course you can take me out'" I say dramatically waving my hand in front of my face. For the first time I see her silently giggle. Her perfect teeth separating as she lightly gasps for air.

"But since you ruined that...let me start over again."

I walk over to her bed slowly and reach down to grab her hand as she looks up to me.

"Hi...I'm Camila Cabello. And I'd like to take you out on Friday night." I say with a smirk.

Dinah's POV

"I wonder how Mila's doing on her little tour date with Austin." I say as me Normani and Ally walk back towards the dorms.

We spent our lunch out the left wing of the campus at a new place called "Sweeley's". I can say for certain that this place has some quite exquisite food. I love it here.

"Oh I'm sure it's going fine, she's probably only embarrassed herself a few times."

We all laugh and walk into our building as we walk upstairs to our suite. We unlock our doors and all walk in. We put down all of our bags and groan in exhaustion from being out for the first half of the day and knowing we still have a class in the evening to attend.

"I love this place. I love it so much, but I love this bed even more." Ally yawned.

"You can't sleep Ally. You've got a 2:00 Advanced History class. It's 1:38. Get to it." I say patting her belly.

She obliges and gives a small groan as she rolls off of her bed and goes in the bathroom to freshen up a bit.

A knock comes to me and Camila's door and me and Normani exchange a quick glance as I walk over to the other side of the suite and open the door. I see a middle aged woman and a little girl who seemed very excited standing behind the door in anticipation.

"Why hello there, you must be Camila's roommate. I'm her mother Sinuhe, and this here is Sofi, she says gesturing for towards the small child.

"Hi there Mrs. Cabello, I'm Dinah." I crouch down beside the young girl and extend a hand which at first she's hesitant to take but soon gives in and shakes it. "Hello there Sofi." I stand back to my feet and bring my attention back to Camila's mom who has just looked into our dorm to notice that Camila isn't here.

"Mila is out right now with a friend getting some lunch. I can call her for you? Let her know you're both here." I smile. She smiles and nods gratefully in agreement with my offer.

I step back into the room inviting them in, now joined by both Normani and Ally who exchange their hellos before they both walk towards the door.

"Dinah! I'm gonna go down with Ally and walk her to class really quick. Be back in 10!" Normani yells before walking out as I give her a subtle nod.

Lauren's POV

"Hi...I'm Camila Cabello. And I'd like to take you out on Friday night." She says smirking.

I slowly leave my mouth agape as I process the string of words that has come out of her mouth. I shake my head as if I'm in a bit of a dreamlike daze and need to awaken.

"Did you just ask me out?" I manage to croak out. She chuckles with a very giddy grin on her face as she steps a bit closer to me.

"I believe I just did." She says with more confidence than before.

I move my head back a bit and raise my eyebrows at her sudden bravery. Where's that shy, klutzy and quiet girl I had met yesterday in the courtyard?

"But...wait, so like. You're not straight?" I ask a little surprised. "Well I'm bi." She steps back a bit with a blush and that same cute shyness returning back to her.

I nod slowly. I finally gain the courage to stand to my feet and walk closer to her as I catch a closer glimpse of those chocolate brown eyes that almost stop me in my tracks. I take her hand nervously.

"Well then, Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao..." I grin and she looks away at the mention of her name as she's a bit surprised I remember from yesterday. "I would love to go out with you on Friday." And now I can't help the crazy grin that appears across my face.

"Really?" She turns back to me a bit excited, before trying to find her chill. I see that confidence taking over her again. "I mean, That's cool Jauregui." She smirks. The way she said my last name almost making my knees lock up. Before I could reply her phone sounds in her bag.

She reaches down to get in and flips it open, signaling to me she'll be just one moment.

"Hello?...Yeah...No I'm not with him actu--, ohhh SNAP. I forgot about Sofi!...Yes I know, she misses me. I know she's been waiting to see me for days now. She's in our dorm now?...Alright, no worries I'm on the way, give me 3 minutes." She frantically hangs up and looks back up at me now sensing my eyes staring at hers with a bit of angry confusion.

"Wow...the girls must be all over you huh?" I ask looking down insecurely at my boring bed sheets.

"What? Oh!" She laughs loudly. "You think I'm seeing someone else? Thats a laugh." She continues to gasp for breath.

"Well then who's Sofi?" I ask still a bit with a jealous edge.

"Sofi is my little sister. My mom brought her up because she had a doctors appointment when I came on the first day, she was pretty upset she didn't get to see me." She explains.

I felt a relief and a bit of embarrassment at how I reacted all in my chest before meeting her gaze and apologizing for my misunderstanding.

"Geez, haven't even went on our first date yet and you're already jealous. I must be doing something right huh?" She giggles causing me to smile at how adorable she is.

"Anyways, um I'll text you but I really have to go." She says slowly walking to the door.

"Ya know, you might need my number to do that." I add in before she opens the door. She turns around with a hint of red on her cheeks at her most silly mistake. She recites her number to me as I put it in my phone, and smile once its finally in. I nod telling her I got it all and she returns he attention to the door almost walking out before turning back around and saying one more thing.

"Its like 78 degrees out, why do you have on a beanie?" She asks nicely.

"...because beanies are like my music. They can keep things hidden to be revealed or show off your amazing style. And lets be honest, I have a great sense of style." I grin before watching her playfully shake her head and disappear from my view into the hallway and down the hall.

Yeah...Camila just asked me out. 😁 I thought to myself.


A/N ; Hi I hope everyone is enjoying the story. Hopefully I can get more views? Give me some well needed feedback too? Thanks in advance. ;*

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