I stood nervously trying to obtain some sort of confidence. I tried to avoid having a panic attack as it finally hit me that I was here. I'm officially a member of a whole different time period. I'll never see my friends and family ever again. I began breathing hard as the circumstances rushed back to my mind. "I need to calm down," I muttered as I held onto the wall for support as I began to feel weak. It's going to be fine, everything will be fine. I tried to reassure myself as I held back tears. I rubbed my shaking hands together as I began to hear the first years being sorted. "I can do this," I whispered to myself repeating my mother's words. Everything in me wanted to break down, but I know I have a mission to do. I was sent here for a purpose and that's to have Voldemort's child, and raise it to be a monster. The thought of it made me shiver. How could I subject my child to all this? I couldn't, and maybe that would've been an important point to make before I was sent here, but that would've been foolish of me. I, and everyone I loved would have been viciously murdered, and there's still that risk hanging in the air if I don't pull myself together. I attempted to have positive thoughts about anything, but I couldn't find any. Every positive thought I have remains with the future. In this moment nothing could bring me any kind of solace, until I thought of them. The small baby that now resides within me. I thought of the baby being born a healthy child full of life. I wondered what my baby would look like, and what they would be like as they grew older. This is the first time I've though about the baby like this and the idea of him or her began to spark a beam of hope within me. The thought brought a small smile to my face until I thought of the baby's father. I began to think of what he'd be like. Would he be loud and obnoxious like a boy his age with his ideals and intelligence would be? What about his looks? Would he look just as vile as he does in the future? Would I see the future Voldemort in who I'd assume would look like a perfectly ordinary young wizard? What if my child is just like him, what if my child comes out looking like a snake? My heart rate accelerated as I began to psych myself out with this ridiculous thought. I wish I had kept my thoughts positive because it was about time for me to get sorted. "We aren't quite finished with the sorting yet. This year we have another seventh year joining us. I'd like you all to be very welcoming to Roslyn Hill," the headmaster suddenly announced making my stomach feel queasy. I took a deep breath straightening myself out, and calming my nerves the best I could. Here goes nothing, I thought as I stepped into the great hall. I felt all eyes on me as I walked towards the sorting hat with my head held high. I tried to maintain an air of confidence and composure as I made my first impression on the student body. Whispers flooded the great hall but I didn't pay any mind to them, they have no idea of the struggle that I am currently facing. I can't be bothered with opinions that have no real information to back them. They would never know my truth, and could never imagine the secrets I keep. I sat on the stool and began to use my very weak occuplumancy method to avoid the sorting hat seeing anything I didn't want it to see. I felt the hat being placed on my head. "Ahh trying to hide something I see. No matter that already says something about you. Ambition, determination hmm very cunning, but you are also very brave, very brave indeed. Where to put you...hmmm ahhh what is this?" The hat said pausing it's evaluation. "There is something quite peculiar within, ahh I see now," he said in a whisper. "Yes it is very clear where to put you now. Better be SLYTHERIN!"

   When I heard that word I took a deep breath as the Slytherin table erupted into cheers and applause. When I was a first year the hat had a hard time placing me then as well. I never knew what the final straw was for me to be sorted into Slytherin, but obviously it's where I undoubtedly belong. I made my way to the Slytherin table and saw a girl about my age beckon me to sit with her. "Hello I'm Beverly May-" she was interrupted. "And I'm Hillary Fay," a girl who looked identical to her sang as I sat down beside them. "Hello I'm Roslyn, but you can call me Roz whichever you prefer," I said politely to the eccentric duo. "Ooh how about Rosalinda I like that better!" Hillary exclaimed. "Oh come on tweedle dee and tweedle dumb stop badgering the poor girl." A boy about my age spoke to which the girls pouted like children. The boy had platinum blonde hair and grayish-blue eyes, no doubt a Malfoy. "Abraxas Malfoy," he said, offering me his hand to shake confirming my assumption. "Roslyn Hill," I said reaching my hand out to shake his. "Hello Roslyn I'm Genevieve Greengrass." This must be Daphne's grandmother! "Hello, nice to meet you," I said shaking her hand gleefully. "I'm Mildred Weaver, and this is my boyfriend Richard Brain," A blonde with a kind smile spoke. "Orion Black," A scruffy boy with black hair gruffly introduced himself. "I am Gertrude Parkinson," a girl who had the same round face and black hair as Pansy spoke. It made me smile to see her resemblance to my dear friend. It comforted me, and for a moment I felt less alone.

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