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The tooth fairies arrived on time. Then there was an unforeseen problem, ordinary fairies and tooth fairies hate each other. It took me quite a while to settle both parties down. And for once, I regretted calling this many fairies. But they held a temporary truce anyway. But I doubt that. Fairies are all sweet when it comes to me. But I could not deny that they are very mischievous.

Mr. Abdahabul was fortunately powerful enough to turn a whole swarm of fairies invisible. And he did it like it was no big deal. Then I told him and Athena that I will face Taramen alone. Something about the whole "blood and voice of an enchanter" this got me thinking twice and I had a bad feeling about it.

'Then what did you call me here in for,' said Athena, sounding annoyed.

'You are my anchor to reality and hard truths,' I said.

'Excuse me?'

'You make me feel... composed.'

We were standing at the edge of a huge crowd that was gathered around in front of the throne room and literally filled the courtyard. The whole place smelled of newly bought expensive clothing and moth balls.

I knew there was going to be a crowd.

I didn't expect this much of a crowd.

'Why are there so much people?' I asked.

'It's a royal wedding,' said Athena. 'Everyone would want to see it.'

I can understand that but, this is ridiculous.

'You should have mingled in the crowd that arrived for your coronation,' said Athena. 'This is the first in a long time that events like this took place.'

I pulled the hood over my head.

'By the way, Amethyst... What happened to your hair?'

The invisible fairies around me must have felt my wrath since Athena brushed her sleeves and backed away.

I quickly slipped into the crowd. I knew I would be safe if anything happens. I mean, I had the fairies. I felt bad, using them like ammo, but I was determined not to get them squashed trampled on or anything for whatever reason. It was really odd how they knew what I was thinking before I say so and I could easy feel their presence. I wanted them to hover high above the crowd. I couldn't see them, but I knew they were there.

Then I pushed myself into the crowd, poking people and muttering, 'Excuse me.'

My cloaked and hooded demeanor caused some to give a wide berth while some frowned. But I pushed through. After fifteen minutes, I still had halfway to go before I reached the throne room.

One big and plump lady got really pissed that I brushed her dress that she caught me by surprise and pulled down the hood.

It only took one second for the crowd around me to grow silent and back away. Like back away a long radius. The lady stuttered, 'The-the queen.'

I simply stood there like a freak show. Finally I said, 'Hi. How is life?'

About five harpies dropped down from the sky around me. I didn't carry my bow and arrows so I was weaponless too. Plus, I was not dressed for attending a wedding.

Out of the five harpies, one whom I recognized as General Long-feather stepped forward.

'Under the king's decree, Ame_'

The Queen Of All Strange ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now