Chapter 9: welcoming doom

Depuis le début

The king sized bed with a huge bed head against the wall was facing me directly, meters away. Walking further in, I strolled towards the glass wall covered by white curtains. Slightly moving it with my finger, I realised there was a balcony behind this glass wall with glass doors at the side. With a beautiful view of the entire place. Swimming pool just beneath it, the maze and gardens at the far corner, and the gates right a head of me. Far away.


This is the one.

Reaching out in my pocket, I dialled the number of my favourite man.

"Hello?"he spoke.

"Gdad...send people over, I need to change some interiors and uh stuff...if you know what I mean".


This will surely be shocking.

Eunha's pov

Next day.....

...And done.
The black suit case laid on my bed, all packed and zipped. I watched it for a while recalling yesterday's encounter with that man.

Who was he anyways? Donald Trump?

Who am I kidding, I can't complain, I mean not after he saved my family from the loss. I admit he's an asshole but maybe I'm wrong, maybe he's nice..

Realisation soon slammed me that I was still watching my suitcase for who knows how long.

I just hope everything goes back to normal even though it wouldn't. I just...want my family to be happy again.
And I shall do whatever it takes to make them.

I can't believe whatever happened was just yesterday. It hasn't even been 48 hours. The memories of being kicked out of our own house is still fresh, although I can't complain. Either way we would have been homeless, at least he's being generous enough to give us a place to stay while I work for him. The debts are in the process of being paid and they shall tell us later when everything's done which will relieve the tension.


I wrapped my fingers around the handle and dragged my suit case out of the room, encountering my family all packed up in the hotel's living room, waiting for me. With dad extremely furious at my decision yesterday, he stormed out and booked a hotel room for us despite Jimin's proposal for us to live in his mansion with them. We had time to grab our clothing and stuff in our suitcases as the new owner gave us time to do so. Dad was angry not just at me but also the fate that twisted on the right time. Jimin was supposed to buy our mansion, as he would have gifted it back to us. I mean he's a nice friends and we've known each other since childhood. But than fate played its own game and everything was ruined when the bidder raised more than we've
asked for. As if he knew exactly the amount we needed to pay off everything.

The problem was that we had already paid half the money and the required amount was 120million that was supposed to come from the mansion when he gave us more than we've asked for, 250million. Now the problem is that we've left with zero bank balance and the rest of his 130million will go back to him despite his bid.

Great...we've left with nothing.

Dad was folding his arms and turned his gaze away from me. Guess he's still upset, Jaemin and Mum slightly smiled at me, encouraging me to do my best.

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