"I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later."

"In your dreams Hood." I laugh untangling my hand from his. I sit up and go to get off the couch but Calum's hand gets a firm grip on my hip.

"Where are you going?" Calum whines.

"To get changed. We have to meet everyone in like twenty minutes."

"Hmm good point." He lets go of my hip allowing me to stand up.

"Besides I have to look gorgeous for our first outing as a couple." I Joke flipping my hair over my shoulder dramatically.

"Please G you look gorgeous all the time anyway." Calum says as he stands up from the couch.

"Really?" I look him in surprise. In the past Calum had never said anything like that before so it was quite strange to hear it.

"Really." He confirms before smiling at me.

"Thanks Cal." I say and he just shrugs. I stare at him for a moment before going off to my room to get ready.


"Maybe we should just start making out in front of them." Calum laughs.

"Yeah great idea." I sarcastically reply before playfully push him. We were just about to walk into the movie theatre to meet up with everyone.

"I'm up for it." He smirks his eyes flickering to my lips before meeting my eyes.

"I'm sure you are." I roll my eyes. "There's Blondie." I point referring to Luke. He was staring at the movie times and looking very confused.

"What are you doing?" Calum asks him.

"Oh hey guys, I'm trying to figure out what we should see." Luke explains looking happy to see us.

"I vote transformers!" I say enthusiastically making Calum grin at me. "What? I wanna see it."

"Nothing." Calum shrugs still grinning. He looks away from me to look at what movies were showing.

"Is anybody else here yet?" I ask Luke.

"Yea Michael's in the arcade and the girls all went to the bathroom. Why do yous do that?"

"Go to the bathroom all together?" I lightly laugh.

"Yea it's weird." Luke comments.

"You don't and will never understand Hemmo." I tell him. "It's a girl thing." I shrug and he rolls his eyes before smiling.

"I'm down for whatever." Calum says looking back at us.

"Aren't you always?" I tease and Luke laughs. "You actually are though." Luke grins at him.

"Yeah,yeah. So we are just waiting on Ashton then?" Calum asks looking at Luke.

"Looks like it." Luke licks his lips before playing with his lip ring. As much as I hated to admit it, Luke always looked so hot when he did that. Nobody knew that and I didn't plan on anyone finding out. I would seriously die of embarrassment.

"Maybe you should go call him." Calum suggests.

"I think I will actually." Luke grabs his phone from his pocket before walking away from us.

"You're wearing my jumper." I tell Calum a small smirk on my lips.

"Your jumper?" He questions.

"My jumper." I nod.

"Funny I'm sure this is mine. It was in my room." He grins.

"Mistakes happen." I shrug.

"Well obviously I mean just ask your parents." I glare at him before lightly hitting him. "Hey!" I fake pout and Calum laughs.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now