Chapter Nineteen

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Nineteen
Jayden's POV & Rose's POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

I sat on the floor, in my house. Shards of glass, wood, drywall and other shit surrounded me. I had destroyed my house and all I could do now was sit in the ruins of my pathetic life.

I'm broken. I never knew I could be this broken. I feel helpless and out of control.

I had been broken my whole life, but Rose helped me. She began to fix me little by little. I hadn't realized how completely dependent I was of her. She was my source of energy, my motivation to be better.

But I clearly didn't mean the same to her. She left me without even batting an eye. She had given me no hints, no real change in behavior to indicate that she didn't want or love me anymore.

She never told me that I was slacking or that she needed more attention, more love, more of anything... She never told me anything... I would've given it to her... No questions asked...

Maybe she found someone else... Someone else who automatically knew what she needed, when she needed it and how she needed it. Someone who could love her better them I could.

Now here I am questioning everything... Every word I said to her, every touch, every kiss... Every time we made love...

She always sounded sincere when she said she loved me. It felt as real as breathing... Maybe it wasn't though. Maybe I let my guard down too fast. Maybe I fell in love with her to fast...

"Jayden..." I heard someone say followed by the sound of trash crunching under their foot steps.

Erica rounded the corner and approached me with caution.

"Go away," I mumbled and hung my head.

"I came to see if you were alright." She softly said.

"I'm fine. Now go away."

"From the looks of it, you're not okay." She continued to approach me.

"Doesn't matter. You shouldn't care."

"Well I do... and I would like to talk to you," Erica pushed some of the glass away with her foot and carefully kneeled down in front of me. "Look at me Jayden."

I met her eyes and it looked like she had been crying. I felt guilty. I never wanted to hurt anybody. Especially not the people I care about.

But her eyes were so full of love and sympathy that I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

"What did I do wrong?" I asked her but my voice to cracked.

"Sweetheart, you did nothing wrong. This is not your fault..."

I chuckled humorlessly, "It feels like it is."

"Well, it's not. Rose is just..." She shook her head seemingly disappointed. "Well, I can't speak for her..."

"I feel like I just imagined this entire relationship. Like it wasn't real..."

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