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Art above isn't mine! All I can wish for is the skill of this artist! Also there is a fair bit of bad language! I have warned you!
Ilyu POV

I hear all might give off his signature laugh, as I do finger guns at him, winking and sticking my tongue out, he got the pun! I giggle myself but realise I am going first with the hot head. I sigh and walk with him into the building. I analyse the floors we are on and turn to him, being serious. This was proper training, not the simple improvements me and Iza have been doing.

"Hey dick head." He sharply turned and growled. I stared at his costume. He had massive grenades on his hands, and an approving top that defined his muscles. Though I don't think they would be as great as Kirishimas when he takes off his sh- no! Don't be a mineta! "Go for izuku." I pat him on the shoulder as she looks shocked, but it doesn't last long and an evil smirk came across his face. "Now I might actually be able to stand you with this attitude. Why'd? What are you planning?"

I look for the time anywhere, and conveniently see it on the wall next to the fake bomb. We have two more minutes left to discuss things till they walk in."listen carefully alright? Now they will suspect you will go after Izuku, everyone knows some stuff is going on between you." He gave me a growl. "So, do what they think and for once I might regret saying this but, beat the living shit out of Izuku." He gives an evil laugh. "With pleasure." I shook my head."I'm not done yet."

I give an evil smirk. "Of course Ochako will be coming for the bomb, and it will be hard to defeat her with her quirk, so I need your help to move everything out of this room, now. Then I will capture her, you do the same for Izuku, no matter what the situation." He nodded, a calmer more thoughtful expression came upon his face. "There could be a few flaws to your plan but it should work, plus I'll enjoy it." I gave him a smile, but then I realise he was staring at my costume, it was skin tight so you could see more of my figure then you could in my school uniform. And he was eyeing me.

"Might need to change your name after this. Thicc chick." I stare offended as I walked him so hard over the head, his usual cockiness appeared again."do that again! And I will fucking destroy you portal shit!" I played along with what he said earlier. We just finished moving everything out of the room, leaving it bare. "In the bedroom? How daring." I joking winked and he growled,but then turned around and i could just hear a slight humph in amusement. Working with this fire ball is hard.

"The hero team can now...ENTER!"

I told Bakugo to hold back for a minute before letting him go off, just to make sure he has enough pent up issues to think about so that if something does go wrong, I'll only have one person and a weakened Izuku trying to come at me, with Katsuki as my attack. I waited as I heard no action. "Make sure to keep in contact with me dipshit, I hear them coming down the halls now." I could hear loud footsteps and talking through the earpiece. "I should be saying that seeing as you might go in a blind rage." He growled then cut off the earpiece. "Practice what you preach butt hole."

I start to hear loud explosions and shouts from somewhere near, but I don't do anything as I guard the bomb. I sigh as I take off my helmet. "Ochako will most likely come up here right? She is a nice and smart girl right? Especially when it comes to her looks. So cute! But... Maybe she can help me with something..." I duck my head and put my helmet back on, I knew it.

I didn't know if I was hearing things so I took off my helmet for a better chance of hearing it again. Ochako, she was here, and shuffling.... Now what to do to make her come out. "Maybe she can help me find out this feeling I have... For Kirishima." I hear a gasp behind a pillar. Found her. "You would come to me for advice! Awwe, thank you Ilyu-ACK!" She narrowly misses a portal of mine, so I quickly close it in fear of loosing her into the abyss.

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