Hero design

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I actually got fanart! If you can call it that 😅 my sister actually found my account and really liked it, so she drew ilyu. If you like, go check out Pericak !

Ilyu POV

I grab her by the shoulders and look at her quivering lips. They were smiling. I looked at her and she laughed, whilst still crying. "I got in ilyu! I..I actually got in!!" I smile so wide and laugh with her, hugging her and telling how how she couldn't but get it! We eventually started to calm down, as all we were doing was hugging in my room.

"Hey Iza, do you want to train with me? I know we had already trained before hand, but I want a better schedule. One that is harder, however only Sunday off instead of Saturday and Sunday." She nods her head. "How about you make the schedule this time, making sure not to miss detail but after breakfast, then we can do our hero cou stump designs together!" She squeals"I'm going to be so excited for what we are gonna come up with!"

I give her a smile and we go downstairs, where we see our parents waiting for us with big smiles in their faces. "Let's go out for breakfast, how does that sound?" We nod our heads enthusiastically "yeah!" We run upstairs and get our shoes on, though Iza took logger as she needed to change out of her Pyjamas.

"Nobody move! If you do then more blood will be spilled! More then needs be!" Me, Iza, mum and dad had just gone out to a nearby cafe for our breakfast, ordering our coffee and tea, when a shifty man came in, and walked straight up to the cashier, and using his finger, to shoot the guy in the shoulders! Screams raced throughout the entire cafe as the cashier fell down in agony, and the man turned around and started to point his slightly limp index finger at the first person in line, shooting them in the leg. He had come in and locked the door behind him, so people were stuck inside the cafe, frozen in fear and a few crying.

Me and my family just hid underneath out table to avoid getting shot. My mum and dad were shaking whilst me and Iza were near tears. It was terrifying because we had never been in a situation like this before, and knowing one of Iza's school friends being held hostage at the moment, we couldn't do anything.

"Now I want you to listen very carefully! All wallets, all money! Put to the left of me! All girls! To my right! Men stay where you are!" He had a filthy smirk on as the women, in the quite populated cafe, shuddered at the thought of what he might do. I was about today het up, because he'll he might go shooting more people if we didn't, however my mum had a tight hold of my shoulder and shook her head. 'Stay down' she mouthed, whilst her and my dad got up and out from under out table.

I whisper shouted a no to them, but I see my mum and dad out their wallets in the pile, that was a mess of different sizes of rectangles, and my mum walk over to the group of ladies, instantly comforting them and giving the, hugs and telling the, everything will be alright, we will be saved soon.

But no one had arrived yet and it had been ten minutes."YOU!" He pointed to a man near where my father was standing. "Call a hero and say Finger guns is holding a hostage situation at this cafe! And hurry! I'm done waiting for some self centred pricks to show up themselves already!" I had to hold in my laughter. I know, I know, bad time to laugh but... Finger Guns? Great villain name, he sounds like a five year old.

Iza accidentally snorts behind me, and the villain, I'm not calling him finger guns, turns to our direction. I silently gasp but he just chuckles. "I see your hands, get up from outta there, or someone is getting something worst then just an injury to the shoulder." He sneers.

I turn and stare wide eyed at my sister, to see her frozen. I look back and close my eyes, thinking of a plan. It took me a few minutes, until I heard a shot ring out, and another bunch of screams. I open the, and quickly turn behind me to hug my sister. "It will be alright, be ready to protect the people." She clings onto my arm. "You can't go." She whispered. I turned back harshly. "There's got to be a hero nearby, but they will never be fast enough."

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