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Ilyu POV

"Now, can anyone tell me who was the effective in this battle. Momo raised her hand. "Yes?" She started her long explanation.

"It was clearly Ochako. This is purely because of how she positioned herself. Whilst Bakugo was having a childhood tantrum with Izuku, Ochako did well to hide behind a pillar for back up. Although when Ilyu heard her, both of them tried to trick each other which worked to an extent. Even in the situation through Ilyu's portals, Ochako used Ilyu's weakness to her advantage and made her panic, thus making Ilyu's performance decrease after they came out the portal. As well as this she understood the villains position. However, In all honestly Ilyu's use of her portal was quite smart, though risky, and shouldn't not be used."

We stared at her shocked.m"it is a great technique to use against the villains and if any person in combat tries. We have also head Ilyu say she doesn't like people going near her portals for the reason that just happened, however it wasn't to bad, seeing as in the abyss you can disable your opponent, seeing as they don't know how to go through 'the abyss', as you called it, like she can."

I blush as she saves my tail as well as honestly giving Ochako the praise she needs. "Yeah! Well done Ochako! Uravity!Uravity!" I cheer, as a couple of the class join in with me, "Uravity! Uravity!" We giggle as Ochako is bright pink with embarrassment. I giggle as All Might settles us down.

After he settles us down everyone else's matches start. Of course it wasn't exciting as ours, maybe except Iza's because of her quirk, High spec (supper intelligence basically). She and her partner, the one with the nasal laser, won, purely because she made she partner the distraction as she ripped the other team a new one. I cheered for her as I stood by Eijiro through the time up until his battle.

I saw him turn his body to me and grinned. In all honesty, I was loving his hero costume; he had this really cool look cage around his face, and his pants were baggy and there were these kind of sleeves which stopped at his shoulder. But the best thing about his costume, is that he didn't wear a shirt! I could never realise this 15 year old could be so ripped! I couldn't help but be distracted by it when he turned around to face me,

"...yu. Ilyu?" I snap my gaze off of his chest and look up at Eijiro, seeing his face beet red whilst slightly glancing off to the side. "A-h!" I exclaim, it seemed to make his face the colour of his hair. "Sorry Kiri~senpai. W-what were you saying?" I tried to keep my cool, as I breath more oxygen through my helmet. Trying to contain my blush.

"Well it's my match next with Sero, and we are going against Tokoyami and Tsuyu soo..." I give him a hug, and squeeze him round the waist as he gives it back, slapping me a bit too hard on the back."good luck!" He squeezed me tighter, tho not too tight. "With your luck, I think we will ace it!" He smiled at me and I smiled back.

I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. His eyes were like rubies, red and pure. I couldn't help but stare as we kept eye contact. I shuffled closer, if I even could, and he did the same. He put one of his hands in the small of my back, the other travelling up my back to my neck. "Next teams!"

I snapped out of it and we quickly both pushed each other away. I glanced to my side to see Sero there, looking at us with raised eyebrows, and a small smirk etched into his face. I blush bright red and open my eyes, wide. He saw.. That was embarrassing! I turn to see Eijiro quickly giving me a shaky smile before going up to Sero, cheerful and outgoing. Like nothing happened.

But he knows...Sero knows! That just seems like this is going to go out of hand. But oh well, shouldn't be dwelling on it now. I want to see how Eijiro does in his match against Tsuyu and Tokoyami.

-le Smol Timeskip-

I see them all coming back and I giggle as (I can't remember who wins, just go with it) I see Eijiro come back to me with a cute pout. "They were really well planned." He complained as I gave him a hug. "Just think Kiri~senpai, you still did you best for precautions, you didn't know what to expect so you just tried your best." I give him a smile as he stares at me, beginning to turn red again.

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