Chap. 9

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Today was the day of my English test, which I barely studied for. I'm pretty sure Ms. Zambrano can cut me some slack, right? But besides that, today is also the day that Jisung took the girl out for a "hang-out." He took her out to the park and got some churros on the way there, planning to get to know her better, which is simple and really chill, but since he said that I was the only girl he was close with, Jisung came to me and asked for any tips for the date.


I come back home from school and was greeted by sudden notifications from a puffy-cheeked boy. I took a glimpse at his messages and noticed that it was somewhat urgent. I quickly open Instagram as I head upstairs to my room while looking down at the phone in my hands.

I stop midway as soon as I read his message: "I finally asked her out at the end of the day, and she said yes!" It said, "but you're the only girl in my friend group, so I'll need a little bit of your help ehe 😅"


I considered helping him, even if I might have the slightest chance of feelings for him. I thought that if I were to interfere with his relationship with her, it might destroy our relationship as friends and I wouldn't be able to take that. If I had to pick, I would rather stay as friends than break the relationship to strangers.

With my phone in my hands, I wait for any messages that come up from Jisung in case he needed help, though I don't think he needs my help. He's quite the charmer. He's friendly, kind, caring, cute, and funny. Anything a girl can ask for, really. Strange as it is, I wasn't bitter or jealous of the girl Jisung is probably out with as of now. The way he talked about her made me somewhat happy as if I knew that she would take good care of my friend. We've never had a long and decent conversation without it dying in a while, but since he insists on talking about her, I just playfully tease him about it. 

Several minutes already passed by after scrolling through Instagram, but still no messages from the said boy. Assuming that the two hit it off, I turn my laptop to watch on Netflix and rewatch Real Got7. Seven dorks that never fail to make me smile even on my darkest days.

Midway through the episode where the boys scream at each other as fire erupted from their mouth, I suddenly got a skype call request from Zuri and Ava, simultaneously pausing the said episode. A smile crept up to my face and quickly answer the call, waiting for it to sync up.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The girl with short black hair greeted.

"Long time no see, Ava," I said with a small smile.

"Okay, before any of you two lash out at me, I just wanna say that I missed both of you so much!" Ava said and shouted the last part out.

"We aren't gonna come for you Ava," Zuri said with a chuckle then pouted, "just mad at your parents for making you leave us." The brown haired girl wiped a fake tear away from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, mad at who?!" Someone shouted from Ava's place. Zuri suddenly tensed up and apologized to her parents as the two of us exploded into fits of laughter.

"Ahh, I missed this. It's been two months and three weeks since we were together, but, y'know, who's counting?"

The two girls in front of me giggled. "So, anything interesting happened while I was gone? There surely must have been something." Ava said after calming down.

"Not when you're around. Nothing barely happens here."

"Oh hush, (Y/N)," Zuri said to me, "stop lying."

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