Chap. 6

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I woke up to the blaring sound of the alarm clock on my bedside table and groan at the sound. It's the first day of school again, and I really hate waking up early. I lean to the side and shut it off, closing my eyes for a few more seconds. I knew I shouldn't wait for a "few seconds," or else I'll be sleeping again for the next 30 minutes, so I sit up and blink a few times. After my eyes had adjusted from my sleep, I got on my feet and walked into the bathroom, trying not to make any noises. I turn on the shower, waiting for the water to get warm, and got in.

As soon as I exit, I heard some cooking downstairs, so I just assumed that it was my mom.

I went into my room and looked in my closet. After picking out my favourite outfit, I get dressed and head downstairs.

"Hey, mom!"

"Good morning, (Y/N)." She said with a yawn, "back to school again, huh?"

I sigh and roll my eyes, "Yeah.."

"I know the feeling. Here," she said and handed me a plate filled with food, "eat up. I can drop you off today. Let me just get ready."

Before I could answer, she wipes her hands on her shirt and went upstairs, leaving me in the kitchen by myself. After I finish eating my food, I place the plate in the sink and drink a glass of water. I brush my hair, including my teeth, and wait for my mom to finish.

While waiting, I got a text from Zuri.



Hey, did Ava text you at all yet?

She hasn't answered any of my texts and idek if she's coming to school today 😕

Also, let's meet up at school 20 min before the first bell rings

I wanna know where my classes are first 😅


No she hasn't texted me at all

I don't think she even texted me during the break. Didn't she say that she'll be coming back on the first day?

Maybe she just didn't tell us and she's already there



Gtg I'm gonna leave now

Later 🤙🏻

Come to school early


Yeah yeah

I'm gonna leave in a few minutes, but meet me at the front

Seen 7:53 AM


My mom came down the stairs the second I sent that text.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded in response, got up with my bag on my shoulders, and put my shoes on. Once we got out, my mom locked the door and got in the car. As we pulled out the driveway, my eyes were feeling heavy, so I closed them just until we arrive at school.

I jolt up, feeling a sudden shake on my arm and look down to see that it was my mom's hand that woke me up. I looked around and realized that we were already here at this dreadful place. While scanning the place, I see Zuri looking down on her phone waiting near the front doors. I kiss my mother good bye and went put the doors. As I walk to Zuri, I called out her name and her head jerked up from her phone.

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