Chap. 1

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It was the last day of the school year. With the summer heat wavering through the air, I was sitting down with a group of my closest friends, making plans for the two month vacation. Of course, as we all know, these plans don't usually make it.

"We should go to the arcade, or something. I haven't been there in a while." my friend, Zuri, suggested. She was the layed back type of friend, the boy of the group let's say. Zuri doesn't put much effort in looking nice and impressing people, but she caught my eye the first time I met her, being so accepting of all the new kids that arrived.

 Her and I were really close, not because of how long we've known each other (which is like a year and a half), but because we share the same qualities and interests. Zuri has long dark brown hair with hazel eyes, her face being in the shape of an oval. When she smiles, the braces she was wearing for a long time were shown.

"You guys keep making plans while I'll be on the other side of the world for the mean time," someone else chuckled. Ava, the girl who travels a lot. I was surprised on how close we are, despite how her parents made her go everywhere with them. Maybe it's because of how many classes we both had together. Every time she was away, Ava would always ask me for the work she missed, which eventually led us two to being friends.

She pulled her short, silky, black hair behind her ear, with pale skin and a more circular face. Ava has a passion for creating works of art, even though she considers herself as an amateur.

I wasn't like my friends. I was more of a person who liked spending time in their room, connected to the internet, not that it's a bad thing. I prefer living in a world where I can escape reality, even for just a moment. Watching various TV shows and reading web comics was my main pass times, but I did love listening to k-pop...

The sound of the bell echoed through the room, meaning that school was officially over. Quickly packing up my things, Ava, Zuri and I walked outside the the main doors, heading into an empty area. A car honked right next to our group with an adult waving to Ava, signalling her to get in. 

She grabs Zuri and I into a tight hug. "I'll see you guys when I come back!" she exclaimed. Ava releases the both of us and waves good bye as she hopped into the car.

"Her hugs will suffocate me one day," I shook my head and dropped my hand. Zuri replied with a laugh. "Let's get going. Wanna come to my house?" I offered her. We lived near the same street, so why not invite her over.

"Sorry (Y/N), but I can't today. My mom expects me to be home right now. She wants us to spend the day together," she said while sighing, "maybe next time?"

I nodded as we both started walking and talking towards our houses. As we walk closer to where we split up, we hugged each other as tight as we could, even though we knew we'd see each other over the break.

"I'll see you soon, I suppose." I muttered with a weak smile. Even though I loved the fact that I didn't have to wake up early every morning, I'll miss seeing my friends everyday. We waved goodbye to each other and started walking inside my home.

I threw my bag into a corner of my room after entering through the doors and fell on my bed, looking up at the ceiling for a few minutes. While groaning, I get up and change into more appropriate clothes.

This heat won't die down soon.

I grab a pair of shorts and a loose shirt and change into those, placing the dirty clothes inside the hamper. Grabbing a hair tie that was on my desk, I messily tie my hair up.

I take my phone and open Instagram, logging into my fan account for multiple k-pop groups and other random things I post about occasionally. While scrolling through my notifications, I notice that someone had followed me and interacted with most of my posts. Clicking on the most recent one I uploaded about a webtoon artist, I read their comment:

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