Chap. 8

207 20 33


Hey (Y/N)

U up?

Sent 11:22 PM
Seen 11:25 PM



What's on your mind?


I just got off the phone with Ava

She just explained everything to me



What'd she say?


Is it ok if I call you?

I dont really want to type everything out


Yeah sure

Let me just close my door and get my earphones so I don't bother my mom




Ok you can call me now


After Zuri has seen my message, I turn off my phone only to see a reflection of myself on the black screen. A few seconds have passed until that reflection disappeared and Zuri's picture took up the entire screen. I click on the green button and waited for a response.


"Hey (Y/N).."  her voice sounding hoarse.  She must have been talking to Ava for a long time for her voice to sound like that.

"So what happened to Ava?" I start, "Why didn't she tell us that she was moving?"

"Okay, this might sound all confusing, so you need to bear with me." I hum and nod in response fully aware that she can't see me through the phone.

Zuri continued, "She moved back to Korea, but she didn't know about it until they actually landed."

"Wait, but-- that doesn't make any sense.. why wouldn't they tell her!?"

"Her parents are so cruel."

"Why the f*ck would her parents not tell her?!" I was about to shout towards the mic until I realized that my mom is probably asleep.

"I don't know.. she said something about how they knew that she would throw a fit about moving away after growing up here."

"Okay, all of that was just uncalled for!"

"I know, I know.. I can't even imagine what was going though their head."

A moment of silence waved over us as we recollected our thoughts before speaking again. "So what's the reason for moving then, huh?"

"Ava said that her parents were feeling homesick and that they want to be closer to their relatives." Zuri said before taking a deep breath in, "Like, why now?! Why move back after around fifteen years of living here?!" Zuri says with anger in her voice and sighs. "But at least we can video call her anytime that works for us."

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