"She somehow knew about my gift and didn't make her decision until literally the last possible moment. If I look back now, yesterday she was in Vermont. I did see her but I thought she went up there and came here to ski! Nowhere in my vision did I see her doing this!"

Edward rubbed her shoulder soothingly. Alice hated when the holes in her visions were used for these kinds of surprise visits. Last time it happened, we ended up fighting a chunk of newborns and Victoria. Finally, Jessica's sobs quieted as Esme handed her a box of tissues. Only Esme would think to offer it to someone who just threatened our very existence. She was kind to the very end. Have I mentioned lately, how much I love my wife? Once Jessica's sobs had quieted down, we all looked at her as she finally started to speak:

"Th-the recorder was empty. I didn't even have the tape in it. I just used it as means for....for....getting some answers." I know some of my family's jaws were slightly open at that one.

"Jessica, please tell me you aren't that stupid to come to a house full of vampires and threaten them with an empty tape recorder?" I said flabbergasted.

"I didn't know what else to do! I don't know who to turn to for something like this."

"Let's start at the beginning, how did you find out about us and what could be so horrible for you to attempt something that could have gotten you killed without a second glance had it been any other coven and not a family?" I asked slowly.

"It's....it's.....Mike. You remember Mike Newton from school?" She started sobbing again.

"What about Mike?" Bella stepped into the ring again and looked at Edward as his eyes went wide as he read Jessica's mind but let her continue.

"He.....he.....was turned into a vampire! I don't know how, I don't know when or by whom. All I know is that we were supposed to come home for the summer and all of a sudden he vanished. No one could find him for weeks which turned into two months. I was worried sick and had to return to school without him. I was in my second week of school when one night I was going for a walk around where my dorm was located and I felt like someone was watching me. I turned in circles but couldn't see anyone. I felt oddly uncomfortable, like I was being stalked by an animal. Then it happened. I saw two red glowing dots in the forest which were high enough to be considered eyes; I opened my mouth to scream as the figure rushed forward in a blink of an eye and put his hand over my mouth. For a split second I thought I saw the Mothman."

"Mothman?" Alice was the one to speak this time, clearly confused. What the heck was a Mothman? Jessica hurriedly explained.

"I've been taking a class on myths and legends and he is an 8ft tall winged creature with glowing red eyes. He's said to haunt Point Pleasant, West Virginia since the mid-1960s. There have been hundreds of sightings of him there." This was news to me but hey anything is possible in our world; we've certainly seen our share of strange especially in the last 8 months; last being a pack of dragons! I looked around the room and everyone pretty much thought the same thing; Edward shrugged.

"We're getting off the subject at hand." Rosalie said stiffly. Jessica nodded and continued.

"Where was I? Oh yes the hand over my mouth. I struggled to break free but whoever had this hold on me was as strong as a piece of granite. None of my karate moves I learned when I was a kid worked. Then I heard a male voice say 'shh Jess I won't hurt you.' I instantly realized the voice though different belonged to Mike. He let me go when he could tell that I recognized his voice. I whirled around staring at him with my eyes probably bugging out of my head. I looked him up and down. He didn't seem to have particularly changed but those eyes......they gave me the heeby jeebies." She shuddered then at the memory and continued:

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