Amy continued the story giving Rogue a break:

"Hestia knew the Watchers powers were extensive but she never knew to what extent. Hell, we didn't know we could grow massive wings and wield a sword/hammer looking thing either! You have to remember we were Watchers for maybe 200 years only at this point and therefore hadn't had to face anything to use our ultimate weapons on. She also knew we were immortal and invincible. What she didn't and still to this day doesn't know, is that she isn't invincible. Whoever or whatever gave her the evil dark powers left that portion of the information out. Not dealing with loyal monsters here."

"She can be put to sleep like a volcano which is exactly what happened. After Rogue struck her with sword/hammer thing, they tossed fireballs at each other for a while the rest of us just ducked out of the way as Hestia's main focus and the focus of her rage was Rogue. Finally a light came from above and hit Rogue again, her eyes that up until this point were their usual blue, turned white completely and she started speaking a tongue we didn't know. Suddenly, the water started to bubble and a giant dragon shot from underneath it and dragged Hestia underwater. Rogue flew after it as the rest of us followed suit. We saw Hestia being entombed in solid rock from which she wasn't supposed to escape. She was put to sleep. Until now." Amy finished speaking.

          It was at this point that we had time to take everything in and think. I mean it all sounded too fantastic but then again we live in a fantastic world of vampires and werewolves plus some hybrids and shape shifters; now just add Watchers, an evil sorceress, and a dragon or two to the mix! Plus the ancient city of Atlantis; it was a lot to wrap our minds around but I knew we had to and quickly because a serious battle was coming and I didn't know how exactly we would fit into this equation but I personally didn't want to face off against any sorceress. Rogue read my mind and shook her head, and then she said:

"No, Carlisle, you and your family will not face Hestia and her minions. That is my job and those of my kin. And it will not happen here. The battle ground will be the Atlantic Ocean. I will create a storm of such voracity that not one human will dare go near it. It'll never make landfall it'll stay out in the south Atlantic, away from land and all ships and planes will be rerouted. We can't have the battle where it was the first time around as the now non-existent Thera volcano is actually a caldera which is surrounded by the island of Santorini."

"Hestia knows that I know she has awoken. She also knows she cannot kill me but I know she will try to take me out of action by anyway necessary. I'm not at all sure what she wants ultimately. She cannot become a Watcher; she has done too much damage and has crossed to the side of evil. So unless she wants to take over the world or whatever, I can't possibly fathom her motives for awakening or what awakened her other than the thirst for revenge."

"When will this battle happen?" Edward spoke up finally.

"She needs time to acclimate herself with the present world; hope she doesn't kill anyone in the process but that's why these Watchers are here. They are to keep an eye on her. The battle is to happen exactly one week from now." Rogue answered.

"In the meantime, don't be surprised if there will be more Watchers around than normal." Amy supplied.

"Ironically, 200 years after that first battle with Hestia and the destruction of Atlantis is when we first met the Volturi and I realized Marcus and I were related." Alexander shook his head with a smirk.

          And that's how the story comes full circle for us, doesn't it? That was the past of our Watchers; well all but Keith, Michelle, her parents, Kim, and Peter who's a vampire. One week to prepare for the biggest supernatural battle of earth-kind. What exactly does one say to that?

"How about some wine?" Keith said.

Now isn't that a splendid idea? Some wine to digest the story of a lifetime and prepare for the battle of all battles.


~Carlisle Cullen

~Carlisle Cullen

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