"Because we lived in a very modern civilization way ahead of its time, she was sent away to a special housing where children that were troublesome or had mental afflictions were sent." At that point, we looked a bit puzzled and Jacob spoke up.

"Wait wait wait. What do you mean you lived in a very modern civilization? You guys are from Ancient Greece right? What's so modern about that?" Amy smiled and said.

"Let's just say, our home was the stuff of myths and legends. It was a very powerful place with many smart people who had ideas way beyond anything of that day and age. It had a majestic palace and massive walls with a very extensive military; we were very lucky we were born where we were."

"So where exactly are you from?" Jacob pressed though a gnawing feeling of knowing filled me as it did the rest of my family I'm sure.....I was still stunned into silence when Rogue answered.


        When we could all breathe again, it was Seth that stuttered out a "N-no way!" The Watchers laughed, all of them. I felt like I had just been dropped down the rabbit hole like Alice and was wondering when I was going to hit the bottom. All of the wind was knocked out of my body and my mind raced to catch up with the thousands of thoughts that were going through it. Finally, when Rogue saw we looked a little less dazed, she continued with her story.

"I can tell you more about that at a later date. Right now we have to focus on Hestia and how she became who and what she was and is." We nodded still looking shaken. She continued:

"Anyways, last thing we heard was when Hestia was sent to that place to perhaps reform her mind. It had a good record for helping troubled kids. Never in our wildest dreams did we think she would come out of it the way she did. Apparently, while there she had gotten into dark magic somehow and was granted powers of immortality but with a twist. Unlike us, she can be killed, but it's a difficult process. We had forgotten all about her and when all of our immediate family had passed on, we knew we had to leave Atlantis to foray into the unknown to find other Watchers and perhaps even train them."

"About 50-75 years passed and we started hearing rumblings of some kind of evil force around Atlantis. We hurried back only to witness to our horror the destruction of our homeland. Hestia had through her powers of evil and anger created an earthquake of catastrophic proportions that destabilized a then dormant volcano, Thera. This volcano blew its top in one of the most violent eruptions in history which was—if you look it up—in 1500BC (All photos are below and in the album). It blew itself into oblivion but also took the island of Atlantis with it by burying it under ash and washing the rest of it out to sea with 200+ft tsunamis."

"What made me even angrier was that she was flying above this destruction zone cackling with glee. She wasn't remorseful! She was glad! She had killed thousands of people and not only had completely wiped out our whole civilization but the tsunamis raced around the Mediterranean sea as it is now known with such force to strike Crete, mainland Greece, and other places. Many coastal towns were wiped off the map! And this piece of shit was happy about it!"

        Rogue was fuming and rightfully so. Watching your entire country wiped off the map because of some pissed off sorceress would make anyone livid. We were all still processing how this major piece of history had just fallen into our laps. Here were actual living, breathing, inhabitants of Atlantis! It wasn't just Plato's story anymore; it was here and it was alive, right in our own backyard! These were actual Minoans as they were called back then. The only way to describe that feeling was, wow! There were no other words really. It was Alexander that spoke up:

"All of a sudden, my wife changed and I'm not talking about the way she did when she faced off against the Children of the Moon. When Hestia saw us flying above her, she flew at us at lightning speed but not before my wife......grew wings! I'm not kidding. A white light enveloped her and all of a sudden she had these massive white wings, a sword or something that was larger than her and a black warrior outfit. As Hestia was about to strike her, she swung that sword thing and sent Hestia flying head first into the ocean. The plume of water that arose, nearly reached 100ft meaning she sent her down pretty deep. Hestia surfaced and you could tell she was scared. Up until this point she had only dealt with humans who were no match. We later learned that she lost her hair color—she had brown hair but it became white—from screaming in anger so much. The color just drained."

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