'Friends don't lie,' The girl sneered.

'What?' Hopper asked confused.

'You say soon on day twenty one. You say soon on day two hundred and five. You now say soon on day three hundred and twenty six?'

'What is this? You're counting the days now like you're some kind of prisoner?'

'When is soon?'

'Soon is when it's not dangerous anymore.'


'I don't know.'

'On day five hundred?'

'I don't know.'

'On day six hundred?'

'I don't know.'

'Day seven hundred? On day eight hundred?'

Eden winced each time their voices got louder, pressing her hands against her temples as the pounding got worse.

'No!' Hopper yelled.

'I need to see him. Tell me!'

'I said... I- Oh!'

El flicked her head forward, sending the Eggos extravaganza into Hopper's lap; making him stand up swearing.

'Shit! Shit!' He yelled.

'Friends don't lie!' El yelled back before she stormed off to her room.

She slammed her door shut with her mind, Eden jumping as she clenched her eyes shut.

'I'm gonna go,' She mumbled as she headed toward the door.

'No. Just let me clean this up and I'll drop you at school,' Hopper replied.

'I don't have my bag or my cigarettes.'

'Well, you'll just have to make do because I'm going to be late.'

'When aren't you late?'

'Just get your arse in the car.'

She held her hands up with a smirk, wandering out of the house and to the car which was parked a little ways away.


Eden fidgeted with her sleeve as she sat in English, unable to sit still. She hadn't had a cigarette since that morning and she was in need of one. She could feel Jonathan's eyes on her, but she couldn't meet them as her own flittered around the room.

'What's wrong with you?' He asked.

'I need a smoke,' She replied.

'You'll be fine.'

'Nope. Already gone off at a teacher and haven't done half of my work today. I need a smoke.'

Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her glare, before he shook his head and quickly gathered his things as the bell went. He listened to Eden cursed as she stood, her hand pressed against her forehead.

'That's what you get for doing a keg stand,' He stated.

He hit his shoulder hard, 'That's what you get for being the worst friend in the world.'

He laughed as he rubbed his arm, dropping her off at her class which she trudged into and took her usual seat up the back by herself. She leant forward onto the desk, hiding her face in the crook of her elbow as her arms comforted her head. She groaned as someone tapped her shoulder, rolling her head to the side with a glare set on her face; huffing in annoyance when she saw Billy's face.

'You look like shit, Hot Stuff,' He stated.

'And you're an arsehole,' She replied.

'You seriously can't be that hungover?'

'Nope, just in need of a smoke.'

'Well, let's go then.'

She raised an eyebrow at him as she raised her head off the desk, looking over his eager face.

'And what do I owe you?' She stated.

'Your company and a date,' He replied.

'I'll give you my company, but I don't date arseholes.'

'Oh, but you will. Come on.'

He stood and strolled out of the classroom as the teacher spoke, not even saying a word. Eden's eyes went wide before she stood and ran after him, walking quickly out of the school and up to his car. Billy smirked at her when he saw her, her eyes trained on his lips as he drew in a breath of the cigarette he had between them. She licked her lips as he handed it to her, the girl quickly taking it and drawing in a long breath; blowing out the smoke slowly.

'That's better,' She sighed before handing it back to him.

'You're welcome,' He retorted.

Eden rolled her eyes as she leant back against the car, waiting for the cigarette to be given back to her. Though after a few moments, she looked back over at Billy who was smirking down at her with the cigarette between his lips. She huffed and reached forward to pluck it from where it sat, but didn't make it far as the boy's hand clamped down on her wrist.

'Nope,' He stated.

'Fuck you,' She stated before pulling his pack from his back pocket.

But she just missed the lighter, making her swear again as she pulled a cigarette out of the cardboard box.

'I'll give it to you if you let me take you out,' Billy stated smugly.

'When?' She asked.



'Yeh, we'll go for a drive. I know you like my car.'


'You basically drool over it every time you see it.'

'Ok, it's a nice car, but you're a mad driver.'

'I'll take it easy.'

He wiggled the lighter in front of her face, smirking as he watched her run her tongue over her teeth. She reached forward and snatched it from him, mumbling a fine as she lit the cigarette. Eden drew in a breath as Billy pushed himself off the car and rounded it to the driver's side, allowing her to draw a breath in. He started the car as she continued to sit on the hood, the girl closing her eyes at the sound; her head tilting back slightly. She had never heard anything more pleasant.

Eden stood slowly and walked around to the passenger side of the car, sliding inside before closing the door behind her. She looked over at Billy who's eyes were almost hooded as he stared at her, something clear in his eyes but she couldn't tell what. She cocked an eyebrow at him, making him clear his throat quickly as he looked away; reversing out of the parking spot. The girl did up her seat belt as she leant back into the leather seat, rolling down her window to let the smoke out into the air.

The drive was quiet as the turned down different streets and flew up straight roads, Eden laughing crazily as they did so. Neither of them said a thing almost the entire time, until they pulled up in front of a small house. There were no cars in the driveway, nor any blinds open inside. She looked at him confused, but he got out of the car without looking her way.

'If you're going to kill me, it's better to do it in the woods,' She called after him.

'You getting out or not?' He replied over his shoulder.

She furrowed her brows as she got out of the car quickly, jogging up behind the dirty blonde haired boy. 

Smoke Clouds || Billy Hargrove { 1 }Where stories live. Discover now