Hitting Rock Bottom

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Author's note***

 Hello my little PEEPS! I just wanted to thank you for reading the book so far, even though this is only the second chapter. It means a lot that people are actually reading my book! Without further ado, I present to you, the next chapter! Please don't forget to vote, subscribe, and comment on your favorite parts. Love Y'all!

End of Author's note***

Nevelyn's POV*

I awoke to the hoots of an owl. The soft beat of its wings always made me jealous. How it could be free to fly wherever and whenever made my blood boil. It was a predator just like me, yet it wasn't hunted down like some kind of monster.

We could never kill and take the blood of a human because they tortured us with the weapons they had. It's not like all of us kill people to eat. Sometimes when there wasn't enough food for my family I would go steal some from the market. Most of the time I would get away with it, but other times I wasn't so lucky. The price of stealing was being whipped; and since vampires can't get hurt as easily, they would whip us with a special kind of metal that didn't allow us to heal as well. I have seven scars from that, five on my right arm, and two on my back. Thinking about my life with the humans I fell back asleep and didn't wake up until morning.

I gently shook Charlotte awake hoping not to get her grumpy. When she finally stirred, I had gotten her to sit up. She looked around for a minute and asked me "When's mommy and daddy going to get here?"

Inside I felt my heart break for this girl. This girl with small golden locks and her dark blue eyes. It made me want to cry instead of answer her.

This only lasted for a second when the big sister switch kicked in. "I don't know Charlotte, but I hope it'll be soon. Mommy's going to be gone for a while and daddy's going to be gone even longer." Her face fell when I said this, so I ruffle her messy hair down and continue quickly, "But don't worry, daddy's in a better place right now ok?" She seemed to understand what I was saying enough to nod in return.

I start a headcount from our perch, realizing someone was missing and called for Nathan. He was already on the ground talking to Simrin, Theodore, and Liam. Everyone else I assumed was asleep, or in the process of climbing down.

He looked up in my direction calling out "Before you ask, Harper is scouting the area and no...there's no coffee."

Even without being able to totally see his face clearly, I knew he was smirking. He knew that I always tried to start my day with coffee. Even if it meant stealing it from unsuspecting humans. Coffee was a part of me. The taste of its bittersweet beans sent me to cloud nine.

Without bothering to make a smart-ass comment back, I pick Charlotte up in my arms and told everyone else to wake up. Everyone who was asleep grumbled sitting up. They got years to sleep now. I watched as Logan almost fell out of the tree before he remembered where he was. Thank God.

I didn't jump out of the tree until I saw Elias, Logan, and Evan start to head down. Charlotte squealed while I pulled her closer to my chest gasping as the air swept up through my hair. We pivoted hard toward the ground, momentarily making me dizzy. It was mind-blowing, the speeds I could get up to. I turn the protective shield on just before we reach the bottom, which gently bounced us off the ground a couple times.

I open my eyes to see Nathan, Liam, Simrin, and Harper looking at me like I was crazy. I felt so breathless from the adrenaline. It took a few moments to catch my breath but eventually, I had enough air to breathe out "That was the scariest, and the most thrilling thing I have ever done." I had to rub my eyes to get them wet enough to blink.

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