An Unexpected Unbelievable Miracle

Start from the beginning


When nothing happened except for the screams of those on the ground hitched up a bit in volume, Aro bellowed again:


As soon as he said that, three women appeared to our right. They were about 6 to 7 feet off the ground and they appeared to be levitating. They looked like fairies. The one in the front had straight, long black hair and the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen. They weren't a natural color blue but they weren't contacts either. The two behind her; one was a blond and the other one a redhead. They were wearing very flowy-like dresses. The one in the front was wearing a dress that matched her eyes while the two behind her wore soft pink ones. It was obvious who the leader was. She was staring at Aro with anger on her face. She waved a hand and the screaming stopped. The ones afflicted were still lying on the ground because the force of what had happened to them must have drained all of their energy. Then she spoke.

"I warned you Aro. This was your last chance. It's over now. I have seen everything I need to see and more." The other two with her nodded.

"But.....but....but....." Aro sputtered.

"SILENCE!!" She commanded.

"Rogue....please.....have pity on us." Marcus walked forward with his hands held up, his face resigned and yet fearful.

My family and I exchanged glances. We have never seen the Volturi so scared. Who were these women? It was obvious that they weren't vampires but they weren't human either or rather not mortal. I looked at Edward who was concentrating on the leader, Rogue's face. He then looked at me and shook his head, which meant he couldn't read her mind. She was blocking her thoughts from him. She must have felt his gaze on her because she turned her head and looked at him. She stared at him and we were afraid that whatever had happened to Jane and the others was about to happen to Edward. But the only thing I saw Edward do was blink rapidly. Finally, Rogue looked away from Edward and back to the Volturi. I looked worriedly at Edward but saw him shake his head once and then look back at me with a small smile. Jasper had sensed Edward's emotions change and grinned himself. I had no idea what the two of them were smiling about, but that little bit of hope I had for possibly surviving this grew just a little bit more.

It was at that point that Rogue and the other two women floated to the ground. They really were levitating before! I'd never seen anything like it. Rogue looked at Marcus as he was the last to speak.

"Marcus, you are the only one that will be spared today. You have done nothing wrong and in fact have had your very life taken away from you. But we will get to that in a moment."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Caius barked.

Rogue turned her head sharply to look at Caius. When their eyes met, Caius took a step back and bent his head slightly as if her glare was making him top heavy.

"I suggest you Caius keep your mouth shut until you're spoken to. Is that clear?" Rogue said very slowly but with no less command in her voice. Caius nodded once and backed off. She then turned to Aro and spoke:

"You know Aro, for a smart man, you sure act like a complete and total fool. You seem to have a misimpression that I don't see you, that we don't see you. That you can just come here and slaughter this innocent family and walk away. I've watched you very closely recently; especially since the last time you came to attack this coven. I was very much hoping you wouldn't come here and use the kind of trickery to catch them unawares. But you did and therefore your lives are now forfeit."

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