Chapter 23-Falling For The Gangleaders Son

Start from the beginning

    “Then what the hell am i doing here, if you want nothing to do with me.” i said with just as much venom in my voice.

“Trust me if it wasn’t for my mother you would be dead by now with your snarky comments.” He said smirking yet there was such a sad look in his eyes. Now that i thought about it i had never heard anything about their mom, and although i had met their dad not once had i ever seen their mom.

“Why the hell would you care what she wants.” i said annoyed and over being under his dominant behavior as if i was some sort of property, he has been getting on my nerves and acting like this, has just made me hate him so much more and i have no idea if i will be able to forgive him for everything he has done to me.

   “You think you have it easy huh?” he asked clearly i had hit a soft spot. "My mother was killed in front of all of us my father, Ashley, Blake and myslef. The last thing she said before being killed was "find her, and protect her". "My mother is the only reason why i didn't just leave you to die with Grayson."
    I stayes silent taking in this new information, why in the world would his mother want to find me and have me protected. "I don't understand. What was it to her if I lived or died."
   "She was your mothers bestfriend, she had always blamed herself for your parents deaths and she would only be at peace knowing you were safe and protected." He said staring out the wide window. "She talked with so much love towards your family that we all to started caring for you although we had no idea who you were."
   "Then if you care, why do you seem to hate me so passionately?" I asked lowering my gaze.
   "Because, if it wasn't for her crazy obsession to save and find you. They would have never found out you were still even alive, every gang except for ours thought you were dead. The gang that captured her overheard her talking to one of our men about having a lead on you and they took her there and then." He said clenching his jaw at the memory. "She wouldn't give in to them, she wouldn't give them the information of where you were located in order to keep you safe. When we got there it was to late." Thats all he said before he went silent and just stared blankly at me.
    Now i understood him in a way, he blamed me for the death of his mother. In a way i believed that it was my fault but, I did not ask for any of this i had no idea who my real parents were until a couple days ago. I had not asked to be saved, but i guess this was where i belonged to start with.
    "You promised not to mention her death to anyone." I heard Ashley say, i looked to see her standing by the door way and tears welling up in her eyes.
   "Ash, she wouldn't understand why she's here otherwise." Adrian spoke softly. "Thats why i asked you to step out because i know how much her death affected you, I know we all made a promise to never speak of her death again. But some promises need to be broken." Those were his last words before he walked out of the room leaving Ashley and I alone.
    "Oh Ash I'm so sorry." I said tearing up and pulling her into a hug.
   "I miss her so much." She said sobbing into my shoulder. "She was my bestfriend, of course we had our ups and downs but she was always there for me and i knew she loved me and she cared so much for you too. I never had the chance to tell her how much i cared, you nevee know how much someone means to you until you lose them as cliche as that sounds."
2 hours later....

    After Adrian told me part of his story and Ashley cried for a bit on my shoulder she showed me the way to the room i was going to be staying at, i had time to reflect over what has happenes in the last couple of weeks and months. I've lost so many people i care for and I've come to the realization that i won't be leaving any time soon.
   Adrian called a meeting downstairs, to talk about business. I made my way downstairs and took a seat next to Ashley, avoiding complete eye contact with Adrian.
  "We all have a lot of business to discuss, we now have a new member to our gang and she will be needing a lot of training in order to be able to protect herself." Adrian said. "I will train her myself along side Matthew and my siblings."
   I rolled my eyes, knowing that now i would actually need to spend time around him even if i dod not want to.
    "The training will start tomorrow." He said directing that at me. I started zoning out as he started talking about doubling security around the house. I didn't take any notice up until the meeting was over and the guys started moving around the house to do who knows what, it had just started to get dark out and the stars were getting more visible..
    "Are you ready?" Matthew asked me, this being the first time that he talked to me directly.
   "For what?" I asked confused, i looked at him waiting for a response only for him to chuckle.
   "You're not ready." He answered his own question, this caused Adrian to laugh which i hadn't heard in however long i had known him.
   "She's not that's a fact." Adrian said smirking..
   "I'm definitely ready, i have no idea what the hell you're talking about." I shot back irritated. Ashley and Blake just looked at me as if i was crazy, with a slight smile on their faces because of my stubbornness..
   "We'll see about that." Adrian said, walking past me playfully bumping my shoulder on the way..
    Little did i know that this training would kill me..


Thank you all so much for over 32.2k reads on my story! It really means a lot to me❤

*Not edited..


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