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Alien! Tweek x Craig
Age: Craig is 17, but Tweek is an alien so we cannot know for sure what his age is
Word count: 1160

Summary: Craig found Tweek in the field of flowers by the forest. He had taken him home, fascinated to know everything he knew about space. But he needed help from Token and Clyde.


"So...You kidnapped an alien....?" Token questioned trying to understand the situation at hand,

Clyde was about to burst out laughing, having overheard Token and Craigs conversation.

Instead he was preoccupied with the alien on Craigs bed.

"He doesnt even belong here" Craig fires back, trying to reason with Token that he did not abduct the alien,

Token crossed his arms not believing Craigs reason at all "You still did, he's right there", testing Craigs logic,

"He would've been scared alone"

"He'd panick once he sees us or do some kind of weird creepy sh*t on us" Token rolls his eyes glancing at the comatose boy,

'its better then being alone on some strange stupid planet' Craig thought and sat down on his gaming chair, facing his bed

He was done with the conversation and Token sensed it.

Craig wouldnt admit that he was excited about the alien. Actually everyone in room were excited.

The alien, was glowing like a bright star, his whole body seemed to be like crystals yet soft and warm. Its hair looking spiky and glass like.

Craig was very captivated at the alien that seemed to look alot like a boy their age.

Clyde was about to touch the unconscious boy until Craig stopped him. Getting up and grabbing his wrist.

"Huh!? BUT CRAIG!"

Token raised a brow at the possessive Craig.

Clyde moved away noticing the alien waking up, Craig doing the same afterwards.

Its eyes fluttered open slowly. Its eyes were as glassy like the rest of its features. Craig paid close attention to its eyes, how he seen the whole space without even trying.

The aliens eyes were both dark blue and green, mixed together that seemed to have its own rain of galaxy.

Craig blushed brightly and his heart skipped a beat at how handsome the boy was with its complete look of its eyes.

"Æ;;;;;;;;;;!!!!" It screamed out loud before backing away "&:....! * (.÷× *%! *? :€*.: %€ #*====!!"

The guys sweat dropped not expecting this reaction. Token pushed Craig towards the alien slightly "Your the one who brought it here" Token hissed as he grabbed Clyde,

Craig sighed and looked at the screaming alien, slightly getting closer to the frightened alien.

",÷-_( €:: #÷×+($!!!" It screeched, petrified of Craig,

"I cant understand you man..." Craig said confused,

The alien stopped, reading Craigs expression,  "€&###" Craig only tilted his head at this,

"Omfg Token its like trying to help a scared dog...." Clyde chuckled,

Token hit the back of Clydes head "idiot" (Im so sorry Clyde)

Craig put his hands out, showing he wasnt going to harm the alien. The alien gaped at that.

The alien got up hesitantly, still watching the people around it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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