Hearts and lines🔵🔴

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Artist!Tweek x Craig
Age: 19
Word count: 1676

Trigger warning: Swearing (there is Butters x Kenny)

Summary: Tweek isnt one to draw people, which is pretty rare if he did, he feels that he might accidentally stare to long. This goes out the window when he notices a man and his blue chullo hat in the park and he decides to start drawing many artworks of this certain man.

~~~~~~~Tweeks pov~~~~~~~~~

A damn routine. Thats all I'll ever do. I keep repeating everything, everyday, nothing new nor exciting ever happens which I thought id never get tired of till now for an odd reason.

I did of course have friends but decided not to hang out alot with Butters and his boyfriend, nor would I actually keep smoking with Christophe, sometimes with Damien but he rarely smokes, not that I smoke, maybe a bit....

Today I sat infront of the cashier of Tweak bro's coffee shop, waiting for any coffee loving-costumers. As for my dad, he stayed at the back doing something that gives me of no interest. Ok maybe in the back of my mind but im just gonna ignore it for abit.

I exhaled loudly feeling my finger twitch. I glanced around, noticing that nothing caught my green eyes interest and this always seem to happened, its just i cant seem to find anything interesting to draw nowadays.

As a kid I used to draw all my fears when I was alone in my room. My parents doesnt like me bothering them at night so I stayed awake passing the time by accidentally spilling hot coffee all over me and my art work. it was a pain.

But now im old enough and had cut off my addiction to coffee which disappointed my parents. My anxiety wasnt that bad like before, also my twitches became more stable, well when im not anxious or stressed, best medicine is drawing and painting sometimes.

"TWEEK!" I let out a loud strangled noise at my name and looked around noticing my father at the entrance to the back room and a costumer infront of me,

My father had a dissapointed look making me twitch abit and nervously took the costumers order.

Once i handed off their order in hand my father walked up to me making me twitch more with afew minor noise coming from my mouth.

"Son you seem abit distracted, im gonna let you take a break for just today we cant have the costumers waiting like that in the future" Mr Tweak smiled yet it seemed force,

I hated these lectures it always seemed like behind the words there was a tiny insult aimed at me.

I hesitantly nodded. Walking to the back I placed my apron on the hook then grabbing my satchel which had my essential painting tools and sketchbook with different varieties of pens and pencils.

Before leaving the Coffee shop I had quickly made myself some black coffee then rushed out.

I didnt want to go back to my house as my room made me feel lazy and right now i had a sudden urge to draw, but of what...?

I opted for the park, if im lucky most of the kids my age would be in college or just somewhere else.

Now that im walking to the park I felt abit nervous, what if all the benches were all taken? Id have sit by a stranger and then they'll see my work and be disgusted!!

I chugged down my coffee and started to relax, breathing in and out.

Eventually I got there and took a seat on a bench which across from me was another bench placed just abit from an imaginary line dividing the cutted grass and the pavement ground.

Tweek X Craig [One-Shots] Creek Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang