take me away🔵🔴

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Bullied!Tweek x Wolf!Craig
Age: 17
Word count: 1648

Summary: Tweek is bullied into the forest, lost and scared he meets a large wolf deep beneath the woods.

(Trigger warning: Anger issues, curses, anxiety, panick attacks)


Tweek was cornered, and his only way out of here was the exit between the two tall stoned walls. The problem? was that the exit was blocked by a crowed of students, smirking, chuckling and laughing at HIM.

He was frightened, in the mids of having a panick attack as he angrily yelled at them.

"FOR F*CK SAKES THIS ISNT FUNNY!!" Tweek screamed trying to push through the crowed, instead this resulted to him being pushed back away. The dirty floor staining his incorrectly-buttoned green shirt and blue jeans with a tear.

Tweek was at his limit, desperately trying to get away from the forest that everyone made scary stories of; of course he believed in every word.

"SHUT UP SPAZ! Just get in there! Your bothering the whole school anyways!" One of the jocks glared at him as if he could make him disappear in an instant.

A few of the students agreed adding their own usual comments with a few of the other kids actually having go at hurling rocks at poor Twek.

Nonetheless Tweek wasnt bothered at all of what they threw at him, he just wanted out! Out of this forest, which could probably be lurking with monsters that no one had survived to tell the story about!

The crowed withdrawed a bit making Tweeks eyes widen in hope. Only to falter as he noticed one of the jocks holding onto the gate, holding a key in the other, handed by some snickering slut.

"NOOOO!!!" Tweek screamed, running and tripping before jumping at the jock in anger. Tweak then began to punch and scratch him but was once again thrown off.

"F*CK, LOCK IT QUICK!" The Jock yelps in anger, slapping his hamburger.

Tweek sprinted in another attempt to stop them from closing it again.

The other jocks hurriedly threw the gate doors shut, then quickly locking it, until flinching back from Tweek whose hands was through the small openings of the wired gate thrashing and screaming in anger.

"AHG! Y-YOU A**HOLES! I-I CANT HANDLE THIS! T-T-THIS IS TO MUCH!!" Tweek shook the gate, a futile attempt at opening it.

The students backed away while the Jocks snared at him "Tch, like we care." Quickly the students started to leave one by one,

Tweek sobbed loudly until he couldnt feel the hot liquid dripping down his face no more.

Looking around the forest he noticed the sun was about to go down and only made his panic worsen; he hated the dark especially in a forest.

Tweek breathed in and out thinking of many ways to get out of this situation which he would hopefully succeed from his previous times with the bullies.

Tweek shook as he got up, slowly walking forward. He tried not to let his paranoia get to him. He was a teenager, he had to grow out of it sooner or later, that he constantly tells himself over and over.

Tweek kept walking and walking, no destination in mind but to find a place to hide. Yet, he was shaking as thoughts clouded his mind of what could happen in the forest and the things that lies within it.


Tweek found a very uncomfortable place, near a pond, lit by the moon which was his only source of light. Shivering under the roots of a tree which made a small caved hole that had seemed like it was dug long ago.

Tweek X Craig [One-Shots] Creek Where stories live. Discover now