9.My Baby Beam

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Forth stumbled back to bed, he sat on edge of bed with elbows perched on knees with head hung low he wants to shout and throw things in the room he just want to shout on top of his lungs

Lam who seen beam running out he got worried he sprints to forth room he knew forth hates it if someone intrudes his privacy but at that moment he could not think about anything except for his friend he worriedly sprints to forth and was shocked to see the knuckles bleeding, he immediately fetched a first aid box and joins to sit beside forth

"give me your hand," lam can only see forth being dejected his friend is only staring into space with blank eyes, forth is not being himself he took hold of forth right wrist to treat the blood dried knuckles but forth got his hand back

Seeing his friend being reluctant he forced to grip the wrist and started treating the wound stubbornly "don't hurt yourself, what if porr sees this, he will get more hurt," he remained forth that he should not keep worrying David who is aged

Cleaning with spirit he said "sterilise the wound regularly until it heals."

"yet my wounds will not heal," he said with a deep pain and with dazed look

Lam is worried he has seen forth in the same way when his mother passed away he is being dazed always looking into space as if his eyes are searching for a hope, he wrapped a hand around forth shoulder and forth lean his head on lam shoulder "why my loved ones are always leaving me,"

Lam felt sting of tears in his eyes he curled his fingers tightly on forth shoulder "come on don't speak like a loser," he request

"I am lam, the day beam rejected me and I lost my mae, the day itself say I lost everything I am loser and now I am even more to say I am just a fool, I got fooled by beam he said I am his experiment, can you believe it," he asked with tears forming in his eyes as lam is rubbing his back

Lam shook his head "I don't," he replied to forth's struggling mind "you're never fooled because I witnessed your love," he answered

Forth hugged lam he keeps holding his sob trying hard not to cry like a kid "but ....why he is doing this to me lam,"

He is rubbing his friend back to console him "first tell me, what did you talk with him?"

Forth getting away from lam hug he explained everything and lam asked hiding his laugh "so you're finally moving on..."

He glared "do I look like I am moving on..." he questioned in hasty tone of a child

And lam lips broke into a teasing smile while forth is about slap him he half hugged forth, telling him "lets have a drink and get this shit out of your head, let me help you,"

Forth pushed lam hands away "I don't want to drink,"

"aiee forth, I have things to explain" he demands

"alright," he yelled but only to get dragged by lam to one of the bars


Sitting in the bar lam ordered for his friend favourite branded alcohol, while forth hissed on his friend "lam, tell me.." he shouts on lam

"its about beam, so be patience,"

"that is the one last thing I am surviving with otherwise beam would be wrecking by now," he hissed and lam laugh out "I know my friend will never harm my little brother," he laughed

Forth smirked "just wait and see,"

Lam shrugged adding ice to glass "I think beam is hiding something,"

The latter frowned at lam's quotation "what do you mean by hiding?"

Lam laughed out "hiding mean keeping secrets,"

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