7.Is Beam sick!

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As David asked Lam in his break time he searched for beam, as he walks in he asked Ming and Kit to leave the room for them

"P'lam, what is it?" worried beam stands form his chair

Lam walks to the empty chair "nothing to worry beam, have a seat"

Beam sits back and lam asks him "porr is asking me to help you with luggage shall we go now"

"p'lam..you know how p'forth hates me, porr is having wrong assumption on forth and me, I don't want to,"

Lam shook his head "from my side I just came to give you a hand, give me your room keys otherwise I can break them,"

Lam reply made beam gasp in shock "p'lam..."

Lam stands up he walks away while beam still stand in shock he searched for beam's room he decided to send some men and check on beam's room he went along to search in to find any clues about beam maybe he can help forth and finds anything related to beam he is sure forth and beam were used to be genuinely happy with each other and he never understand why beam rejected forth on that night, he is as sure as forth he is confident in his friend love he is even confident that beam sure loves forth and right in the morning too he observe how beams looks at forth and stealing glances and forth is the same he wanted to find why beam is behaving opposite may be he can find something which will help to improve his friend relationship with beam he cannot afford to see forth suffering anymore at somehow point he doubt what is beam? And why he is playing with forth? Or it might beam is not playing he is sincere and something is stopping beam from forth, but lam is sure that beam is not a type to play around he can see the sincerity in beam he seen him when he was young too beam is like younger brother to him, he used to be their for beam in-case if forth is busy with his schedules and helps beam so he wants to check on beam and find anything that can help his friend and brother to have a happy relationship.

he checked beam's stuff and gasped reading beam's health files 'is beam sick' he quickly checked all files and packed them he decided to speak with beam and clarify some matters which he is doubting.

As David asked lam helps in moving beam luggage and he makes arrangements as David ask him


On otherside in hospital regardless of mental tension he is having yet beam is working he is on rounds at some point he meet his friends ming and kit "beam where were you last night ,we thought to drop you at your room but you're not their in hospital, and what is P'lam speaking with you?"

Beam did not speak anything he bites his bottom lip and kit got worries he held beam forearm "any problem beam,"

He already suffered kit a lot and ming is struggling to have dates in their busy schedules now he don't want pour his another set of problems cause more stress to them, kit did help him a lot, ming and kit had a past of fights because kit spending more time with beam and he clarified everything to ming he again don't want his friend to be in tight position between a friend and his lover he just want kit to have some pleasant time with ming

He gives a normal smile with no worries "I am fine," he replied

"where were you last night?" ming asked

"I am with Dr.Forth, we had emergency case in the department" he lied

Kit nudge his shoulder "hey, why you stayed back, they did not mention for interns to stay on night shift" he asked

Beam blushed "kit..its really nothing,"

"oiee common on you have been always staring to the tall doctor right!" kit enquired

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