14.Something I treasure

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Kit and ming stayed for some time with beam and left from their, lam charged to sit on opposite stool

Beam noticed the urge of lam being worried "I am totally fine, p'lam,"

Lam scowl "I wish you're,"

Beam chuckled "its just I caught a little of temperature,"

Lam sighed "and you almost fainted,"

"tell me, what did forth say?" seeing beam trying not to blush, he smiled "you're such an idiot,"

Beam denied "why would I?" he snorted

"beam don't bring more troubles, let me tell everything to forth," he is pleading

"what would that gain, p'lam," he asked

"he will understand you and I know you need forth, he will take care of you," he reasoned out

Beam chuckled "p'lam, I am grown up, I can take care of myself,"

"your state of well-being says how much you grown up," he scowled


Lam sighed "let forth help you,"

"p'lam I am perfectly fine, my health had nothing to do with p'forth," he protested

"don't you dare to tell me that you don't love that cold person,"

"oiee..p'forth is a kind person, stop being mean," he snide supporting forth

"then why you're hurting him," he asked

"p'lam, what is wrong with you, I don't deserve him," he rejected and turned over to other side to not face lam. While tears pricked in his eyes

"where is this coming from beam!" he asked slightly yelling to beam's back

"p'lam, this is ER, there is an old patient beside me, stop being noisy," he warned

Lam turned silent "hey beam, forth still loves you, you should not be doing this to him, you're hurting a good person,"

Beam snickered a laugh "that is why he deserves better.. I cannot guarantee on my life, so how can I go selfish, what if p'forth gets hurts when I leave him, so its better for him to get hurt now and get over me, he don't need to be with a sick person like me,"

Lam eyes shimmered with tears "you're not sick.."

Beam turned front seeing lam being in tears he sighed "stop that drama p'lam" he snipe in low voice, seeing lam being reluctant, he asked "how much did you find out?"

Lam nod "I know about your surgery,"

Beam brought his head down "so, you're going to break your promise," he asked

"if necessary," lam dragged

"what about p'park?"

That blackmail caused lam to flick his eyes "hey you cannot be so menacing to me," he worried

Beam sat up stretching his limbs "I feel so relaxed, its been a long time I had some peaceful sleep,"

Lam groaned "devil,"

Beam chuckled "do you remember, what you did to p'park that night?" he tried not to break into laughter

Lam face turned pale and he suddenly feels his throat is dried "wha..t what did I do?" he asked trying hard to think about last night

"I am not going to say, I promised p'park to not tell you anything, he is pretty much embarrassed,"

Lam eyes widen "embarrassing!... hey what did I do to him to feel embarrassed, how did he end up in our home?" he asked

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