Chapter Forty-Seven

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Third Person; Emilia.

It took several minutes for Emilia to come to, and when she did, something felt different. It was like a weight was no longer there, but at the same time she knew that it wasn't too far away. Her eyes slowly opened and she began to get her bearings and recall what exactly had happened.

The child had said something about how she didn't need the Darkness, and how she should get rid of it and be happy, then there was blinding pain and visions of all the most horrible moments in her life, then everything went black.

She began to feel tugging on her hair, and she shifted her head slightly to see that it was Khloe innocently and calmly brushing her hair just as she had been doing for her before anything happened.

"What happened?" she mumbled, mostly to herself, as she carefully sat up with a wince. She touched her stomach and pulled her hand away, seeing it covered in her black blood which made her sigh.

"The dark stuff was hurting you, so Melinda helped me send it away," Khloe responded, and her eyes shifted to the side for a moment before turning back to Emilia. "But it's not gone for good..just until it escapes."

She blinked a couple of times, and ran her fingers through her hair. "Melinda?"

"My light friend," she answered with a soft smile. "I call her that because she's dressed entirely in white...even though she has brown hair and eyes. She helps me with my powers because my mommy and daddy don't want me to use them." She paused, and then quickly added, "But she says I won't get in trouble for using them...'cause I had to so I won't hurt anybody or myself."

Emilia was confused. She looked around the room, squinting and trying to search out with her magic, but even that appeared to be gone. Apparently with the darkness gone she was essentially powerless. She was no better than the average vampire. And that made her cringe a little. She wasn't used to being ordinary.

"Why would this friend help me?"

Khloe turned her head and her large blue eyes focused on something that Emilia couldn't see. And normally, she realized, she'd be filled with anger or annoyance that she was out of a loop, but for once she felt...calmness. Or was it patience? It was odd for her, though she did recall it from a time in her past.

"She says it's because you were never really given a choice in the first place, and because you suffered enough. And it's time for you to make your own choice."

Emilia felt shivers run down her spine, and she stood up, shakily, and held onto the bed post. Her throat was tight, and she was beginning to see that it was because of how thirsty she was for blood. The darkness must have locked away all of those things from her, because she hadn't felt them in years. Now she was pretty much left to fend for herself.

And she couldn't feed on the young girl in front of her. Not only was that a bad idea because she wanted to kill her later in front of her rescue party, but also because this Melinda person could easily kill her.

But then again, if this person was powerful enough to banish the darkness and put it behind a wall, couldn't it already just kill her?

Khloe laughed a little. "Melinda says that she's not going to hurt you. She's not allowed to. The Light..even..person..personif..personification of it, can't harm an innocent."

Emilia snorted. She was hardly innocent. The Darkness hadn't been the one that killed Levi. She had done that easily with her powers. And the Darkness hadn't killed her father either. The fact that both had been done mostly out of self defense irrelevant. She'd done that, and she had willingly killed so much before.

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