Chapter Twenty-Six

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I left my room without question, but I didn't head straight for Louis' room. And it wasn't because I needed to avoid him, or that I didn't want to wake him; it was because he wasn't in his room. I think, like me, he needed a moment to recollect his thoughts, but he couldn't pull himself away from Eleanor in her time of need. Now that she was asleep, he wanted time alone to think.

I thought that I needed the same thing, but now I know the more I think, the more time I have to over think anything, and everything.

He was exactly where I thought he would be; the same place I used to go. The front edge of the boat. It's direction wasn't facing much, just out into the open sea. But when you need to think something over, sometimes it doesn't matter what you look at as long as it's something that could distract you.

"What are you doing here, Harry?" Louis sighed, his shoulders sagging slightly. He kept his back to me. "I will not leave, if that's what you want. There are plenty of places to go, but right now this one is mine."

"How did you know it was me?" I asked him, confusion filling me. My footsteps and movements were always very silent. It was a habit more than something I did on purpose. I did it without thinking most of the time, but I guess maybe I wasn't as silent as I thought that I was?

"Are you kidding?" He looked over his shoulder at me, his brow frowning as well as the corners of his mouth. "Harry, I am the oldest vampire in the world. All of the sons that Emilia had before she changed me are dead, by her hand obviously. Amy is now her oldest child." He sighed again. "Anyway, my senses are highly superior to yours. I can hear the lamia child from Eleanor's parents' heart beat. I can hear them. They aren't the least bit affected by what has happened." He gritted his teeth, his hands clutching the rail to the point where the metal bent to the shape of his fingers. "Actually, they are affected, but not the way that they should be. They're only angry at their daughter's happiness."

"It sounds like you're more upset about their family situation than she is," I commented, quietly. I didn't want to make him upset.

He laughed, but it was full more of detest than humor. "No one should be allowed to reproduce with that kind of outlook. If someone can't accept their children, for who they are and who they want to be, they shouldn't have them," he spat out, turning back toward the ocean.

I slowly walked closer, but I still kept my distance. "Where is all this coming from? You have so much pent up anger, probably even steaming back to your human days, but I've never seen it. Why are you all of a sudden so angry about the neglectful parents of the world?"

I used to be the same as him, to some extent at least, I wasn't this obsessive or passionate over the subject. I guess I realized that there were way too many people like that in the world and that I couldn't save all of those children, but I still feel the need to do something. Maybe that was the reason I rescued Layla and Justin, and then Bridget, Lauren and Emma, all those years ago.

Louis closed his eyes and shook his head. "I used to see it every damn day, Harry," he said, through his teeth. He opened his eyes after a moment and looked at me. "During the early years of my transition, my time with Emilia, she gave birth to around eleven children; all obviously boys." His lips pressed together in a firm line. "I used to be disgusted by them and her, but I guess I realized that they didn't deserve my hatred. They couldn't help that their mother was a whore."

I blinked. "I didn't think it was possible for you to think that about her during those days. I thought they came later."

He shook his head. "No, those feelings and thoughts were around then, but I suppressed them until I met you. Somehow, you pulled them out of me." He sighed. "But thinking back on those days, I hate myself. I hate the way I would torture and hurt those children. Amy is my living proof that the parents don't always define the children. I should've given them the benefit of the doubt, just like I gave Amy."

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