Chapter Six

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//I just need to ask. Does the picture above scary anyone else, or is it just me? ._.

Third Person; Emilia.

"I've told you more than once, Andrew, to not come back at all if you don't get me what I want," Emilia stated through her teeth, taking the heart of yet another lamia vampire from his hand, then tossing it against the wall as hard as she could; which wasn't very hard at all since her consciousness was already fading.

Andrew hung his head, hating that he had disappointed her; as usual. "I am sorry, my love. But it is not my fault. Everyone is on high alert due to the amount of deaths-," he tried to say, but she interrupted him by grabbing him by the shirt with as much force as she could muster.

"Do not call me that," she stated, through her teeth once more. "I am not your lover, Andrew, if you cannot do this simple thing for me." She let him go, and allowed her hand to flop lifelessly to her side. "And the only reason people are on high alert is because you are useless at covering your tracks. You left evidence behind that the person was murder."

"I rip their heart out, Emilia," he said, frowning. "There no way to hide that, or to make it look self-inflicted. Especially whenever it's happened more than once."

She rolled her eyes. "Yes there is, you idiot. Leaving a body behind is useless, and if you destroyed it you could've easily hid the cause of death. People could've just believed that they ran away, and there wouldn't be many way to connect the deaths."

"I had to get back to you as quickly as possible. It would've taken time to conceal a body-,"

"Time you should've spent instead of giving me useless hearts like that!" She snapped at him, glaring as she interrupted him. "Maybe I should just take your heart instead. It would surely suffice for a while."

Andrew gulped, lowly. "You cannot do that, Emilia. It would hurt you in the long run because I'm the only one you have to retrieve things to help you."

"If I had your life force, I would easily find another," Emilia said, and ran her fingers down his chest in a teasing manner, fingers digging in slightly. Despite that she desperately wanted to claim his heart because of the appeal of ridding herself of the pain, she couldn't do it. And that wasn't because she cared for him at all; she just didn't have the strength to physically rip his heart out.

"What can I do to make this up to you, my love?" Andrew asked her, and knelt down beside her. He was willingly to do anything to make her happy, and to help her with her murderous tendencies for her enemies.

"The only thing I want, Andrew, is my revenge, and you're keeping me from it by giving me such mediocre people to feed on!" Emilia snapped at him, her eyes flaring with the little energy she had. She needed to calm down soon, or else she'd fall into her own mind faster, but she was angry and annoyed by his lack of giving her a sustainable source of life at least once. "You must be doing this purposely so that I will depend on you, and want to keep you around." She believed her latter sentence without a doubt due to all of his previous clingy attempts after she began pushing him away. It made sense that he would keep her weak and unable to do the littlest of things without his help.

"Tell me what you want me to do, Emilia, to prove to you that that is not my intention at all," he begged her, continuing to kneel beside her bed. His eyes were wide with fear that she had finally fully had enough of him, and would banish him from her side. However, he wasn't afraid of the heart break he would suffer if that were to happen; he was afraid of what would happen to her if he was no longer around to protect her.

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