Lucky Im Loving You.

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Zayns POV--

"HARRY! YOUVE GOT ENOUGH SHIRTS!" I yell, wishing we could leave this bloody store.

"Just one more PLEASE ZAYN" Harry begs.

But im not listening. Instead im looking over at where Lees standing. Whats going on with her and Rebecca. Becca was always a trouble Maker but i dont know whys shes talking to Lee.

But wait. Theres another girl now. She looks.. i cant tell who she is. But she had long black hair and looks pretty attractive.

I smile to myself.

"What?" Harry ask.

I shake my head. But wait. Now it looks like her & Rebecca are in a pretty heated discussion. And i want to know what there talking about.

I start walking towards the exit.


"You Dont call me that. Do you understand me. We are not friends." The girl says.

"Whatever. I wouldnt want to be friends with a SLUT anyways" Rebecca growls.

"Im not scared of you. I told you, we can handle this my way. And stop all this bitching."

"Im not the bitch here." Becca snaps.

"Sorry i meant Whore. Didn't mean to offend you. I must say im surprised to see you with your legs closed for once."

And with that Rebecca.Turns and walks away.

The girl turns, seeing me for the first time. She gasp. Then drops her eyes.

"Hello love, im Zayn" i say lifting her chin.

"Maddie. But i go by Madds." She says smiling.

Wow Shes gorgeous.


Madds POV--

"WOW! is there not one day in my life where i can be blessed to NOT HEAR YOU BITCHING ABOUT SOMETHING!?" I snap as i walk up to Rebecca and the poor chick shes yelling at.

She was just going off saying' hes mine stay away you slut. Ill have him no matter what.' And shit like that. I go "OH MY GAWD STFU REBECCA!"

"This has nothing to do with you Madds. Stay out of it." She Yells

"Dont call me that. Do you understand me. We are NOT friends." I say through clenched teeth.

And then we back and forth for awhile.

".... i must say I'm surprised to see you with your legs closed for ONCE!" I snap finally.

And then she turns and walks away.

As i turn to apologize to.the poor SOB that just got chewed out i notice someone who.. is EXTREMELY SEXY!

i gasp and drop my eyes. Any chance i had with him was just ruined. I should stop fighting in public.

"Hello Love, I'm Zayn." He says lifting my chin.

That accent made me die a little to be honest.

"Maddie. But i go by Madds." Maybe i still have a chance.

"What happen? Lyna are you ok?" Curly says panting like he ran a mile.

"Im fine Harry. Rebecca just attacked me.out of nowhere." Lyna says. "But Madds here helped me out"  

Harry looks and flashes me a breath taking smile.

Well by damn. These boys are ganna kill me.

"Im so sorry you had to fight with her. I don't know what her problem is. Massive thank you," he says.

I smile & nod.

"Would you like to hang out with us?" Zayn ask.

"Oh no. I wouldn't want to be a bother." I say quickly.

If i spend anymore time with these boys i WILL DIE!

"Oh noo no no. I would love to have a girl to shop with and talk to" Lyna says.

I smile. " ok, sure why not."

Zayn gives me a huge smile and grabs my hand.

"Where to love?" He ask

I shrug and look at Lyna, who looks At Harry.

"Jack Willis so i can get all my cloths!" He says pulling Lyna in One Direction

"But i wanted to go to the Movies" Zayn says, pulling me in different direction.

"Ill meet you at the movies once we get his cloths!" Lyna Says to me.

I nod. "What movie?"

"TED" Harry yells.


Well you guys. This is Mines & Zayns POV of Lynas story Lucky Im Loving You. Hee stor is Hers & Harolds POV tho. Now to get the whole think you need to go read hers. Ill try to like dedicate it to her or something. But ANYWAYS! Tell me what you think. Questioms comments concerns?. Ask away. VOTE & FAN (: Tell your friemds to read. Lol well im going to bed. Lees POV of this chap will be up tommo so look out for that ! Love you guyss - <33 Madds

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