Rufus' Ending: Masquerade Mischief

Start from the beginning

"Lucy. Didn't expect you here." Rogue greeted, his hand around my waist as we glided through the floor, one of my hands in his while the other was on his shoulder.

"As did I. How's your night going?" I asked, being lifted off the ground by both of rogue's hand on my hips, setting me back down as we continued our dance.

"Fine, I suppose. I'll see you soon. Tell him that he owes us." With that last statement, he then sent me off back to my original partner, his smirk still on his face as he looked down at me.

"So we meet again, M'lady." He said, dipping me down and back up while as stepped to the beat, circling our positions as we still looked into each other's eyes the whole time.

"Ah, yes." I voiced, seeing that his eyes held mischief within them making me confused and suspicious.

"But that could possibly be just your memory." His voice had turned in a mere echo as his figure disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving me shocked as I look around the whole place.

Whipping my head in all direction, I see nothing but black, the music slightly echoing the black area I was in, signalling that I was still near the castle or ballroom.

"Rufus!" I called, an echoing distant chuckle resounding all around me as I recognise the voice to be the man himself's.

My body suddenly moved on it's own, a hand gripping on my waist as another was holding my hand, making me move and dance. Looking up, I meet the eyes of Rufus, his green eyes seeming to shimmer in the dark place we're in.

"I feel like this seems to be an appropriate time to confess something." He said, holding me close to him with our chests flushed together.

"If everyone were stars, you'd be my moon." He whispered, twirling me before disappearing again, leaving me confused as my body still moved to the music.

"If you're a princess, I'll be your prince." Suddenly appearing behind me, he wraps his arms around my figure, caging me in his arms close as we swayed.

"And if you're ever alone..." He started, turning me around so I was looking at him, his face leaning closer as I felt his breath fanning against my ear, shivers crawling up my spine.

"Then I'll always stay by your side." He finished, leaning back to meet my gaze as his eyes swirled with different emotions.

Admiration, Longing and most of all...

Love and Passion.

"I love you, Lucy." He whispered, my whole body still as the words started to sink into my brain to process, my heartbeat slowly increasing its pace as my stomach fluttered.

"Rufus, I..." I gasped, my mouth moving without a voice as I stare in shock, his eyes looking back expectantly.

"You do not have to say anything if you're confused or simply do not feel the same. I just had to say this to you." He smiled genuinely, grasping my hands in his as colour started to come back to our surroundings, the ballroom slowly forming around us.

With my mouth not speaking what I want it to say, I then decided to use my actions to speak for me, instantly leaning in close to him with my eyes closed. 

I could feel Rufus' body tense up, knowing that his eyes were wide as my lips came into contact with his, sparks seemingly flying around in my vision as I leaned back, fluttering my eyes open once again to see his shocked state.

We were back in the ballroom, in the same spot in the dance floor we were previously in, the music flooding back into my ears as I stare up at the man in front of me.

"No need to feel sad, Rufus. For I feel the same towards you, too." I smiled, Rufus blinking back into reality in front of me as he stared back at me, the shock in his eyes turning into that of joy and relief.

"Thank you, my dear." He sighed, us then continuing our waltz, feet moving in sync while we glided together across the floor.

Hearing wolf-whistling and cheering behind me, the both of us look to see our guildmates there with grins and cheers, all of them happy for us making us chuckle.

"I have a feeling we won't get any peace and quiet once we leave this dance floor." I joked, earning a nod of agreement from Rufus as we danced.

"It seems so. But it doesn't matter. As long as we're together." He whispered in my ear, blood rushing up to my cheeks painting it pink as I look at Rufus.

"Your little Masquerade Mischief sure is something." I smirked lightly, feeling glad that this man in front of me holds the same emotions I have for him.

"But that's what I love about you, Rufus Lore."


I can't believe we're done. Kinda a shocker huh? It's still being processed in my mind.

This ending is my personal favourite, in all honesty.

Did you guys like this book? I hope you did, if not, why're you reading it right?

Anyways, thanks for staying with me for so long, vote and comment yeah? 

I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart, to all you readers that stayed with me from the beginning and end. I love you guys.

If you're interested in My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia, please do read my newest Fanfic: Unexpected . It's a Shoto Todoroki book. 
And if you like Attack On Titan/Shingeki No Kyojin, you can read my book: The Other District, which is a Levi Ackerman fanfiction.

Bye guys, I hope to see you all soon. I'll say it again, I love you all and thank you guys.

-Kuno HikaYashi
29th April 2018 (Unedited)

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