Chapter 26: Ice vs Memory?!

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Chapter Twenty Six and continuing chapter of Chapter Twenty Five is here!! I hope you guys liked the previous chapter! Sorry again for posting late minna! I really am trying my best to catch up though! 

And seriously?! 40K+ already?! Along with over 1000 votes?? NANI?! This is a dream come true!! I love you guys so much!!!! You guys mean a lot to me!! Keep on supporting minna!!! Let's get to 1000 Comments too!! We're almost there!! This is such a big milestone!! So let's get on with the story!!



As they were conversing in the Damus Flau Arena, a particular mage in the city smirked and chuckled.

"Oh, I guarantee this year will be something you'll never forget. This time, I'll be the one to get you, my queen." 


Third Person POV

The day was filled with many great battles, the mages wandering around the great city of Crocus in order to win the Title of 'Number 1 Guild in all of Fiore' for the sake of pride and face, each and every one of them trying their very best.

While everything was happening, a certain Ice Mage was stepping into a fairly large library, where his next opponent was said to be in. Unbeknownst to him, his so called opponent was already expecting him as their leader had predicted him to come.

Walking through the hallways and into a large area, the Ice-Make Mage spots Rufus Lore, the Memory-Make Mage of Team Sabertooth. There, he glared at the masked man, the latter still reading a book that was in his hands.

"Oi! I've come to take back my victory." He called out, making the blond look up from his book but then look back down in disinterest.

"Who are you? I apparently do not remember meeting or encountering some like you before. Please do tell me who you are." He simply states, angering the Fairy Tail member as he clenches his fists in rage.

"You won't have to bother remembering me as I'll beat you straight away here." The Ice Mage stated, his feet sliding apart slightly to go into a battle stance, arms out as he gets into position to create his magic.

While he does that, the Blond Sabertooth Mage seems unimpressed as he just stand there with a straight posture, arms behind his back with a smirk etched on his lips, staring down at the Ravenette in front of him.

"Can Gray really beat him, First Master?" One of the Fairy Tail mages asked, everyone looking at their First master in question as she stares at the Lacrima Screen in front, eyes blank.

"I'm not sure. But Gray must win or else our plans in winning might not come true. Our points are already very far away from theirs." She stated out, making the Guild nervous as they look at the battle before them.

"Ice-Make: Freeze Lancer!" The Ice Mage chants, particles of magic forming as they create into ice and shoot towards his opponent, which they dodge and smirk.

"Memorised." He muttered out, both index and middle fingers touching the left side of his temple.

"Stop running away and fight! Ice-Make: Ice Impact!" The Ravenette yelled again, a large drill made of ice appearing as it hits the ground, breaking the drill into pieces as the Memory-Make Mage again dodges the attack.

"Memorised." He said again, his smirk never leaving his as he lands on the ground safely, not even breaking a single sweat as the feather on his hat dangles above his head.

"What are you muttering about 'Memorised'? Hurry and attack already!" The now frustrated mage questioned, stopping to regain some energy as the other chuckles.

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