You've Got to be Kidding Me!!

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After George takes us all to a secluded area in the castle--if he wanted privacy I don't see why we had to leave the library-- No one ever goes in there. He decided to tell us his "Master Plan".
    "Okay George, do you actually have a plan or did you bring us out into this broom closet for a good time?" I ask, pushing a mop from my face, he rolls his eyes.
    "Of course I have a plan! Yea of little faith." He said with a mock tone.  "Yeah? Now spit it out then!" Fred says.
    "Alright!" George said raising his voice,"I believe I found a solution to our--age problem." Fred's eyebrows go up in excitement.
   "You don't mean-?!"
"Oh I mean--"
   "Anyone going to tell me what's going on here? I'm still in the dark..." (y/f) sighs. 
   "They're trying to cheat their way into the competition." I say through my teeth.
    "Oi, lighten up (y/n), you look like someone just insulted you." Fred said.  "Yeah you idiot! I told you that was a bad idea! The rules are there for a reason!" I shout back at him.
   He steps back and bumps into his brother who whispers in his ear,"Maybe we shouldn't have told her." I point a scolding finger in both their directions.
   "You two better not be serious. Or I will tell Professor McGona--" Fred cuts me off by putting a finger up to my mouth and shushing me, "But you won't tell any Professor, because I asked you not to. Right?"
"Fine! But if you die don't expect to get any sympathy from me!" I say as I turn and walk away.
"(Y/n)—" He starts but (y/f) stops him,"you better not, just let her blow off some steam for a while." She said. Then she skipped after me.
~time skip~

"Sometimes he is just an idiot. A flat out idiot." I say as I pick up a roll and start tearing it apart.
     "You know (y/n) I belief those are for eating." (Y/f) says as she spoons in a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
"They're gonna get in so much trouble. Not like they even care though. Even if they get expelled they would probably just be happy to be out of school." I continued to rant. But I'm pretty sure (y/f) stopped listening.
"What if Professor Snape was standing in the corner covered in peanut butter?" She asked while staring at Snape.
"You're not even listening!" I moan face palming my hand against my face.
"Oh no, I was listening. Something about Davy and Carl going sailing..." she said spacey.
"That is not at all what I said." I grump.
"Oh. Well I must've heard someone else say that. By the way who's Carl and Davy? Are they those two Gryffindors with really nice--"
"(Y/f)! Focus!" I scold. She snaps out of her little world and looks back at me.
"Sorry." She looks down at her shoes embarrassed.
"Anyways. Fred and George. What are we going to do about them? We can't let them go through with this!"
"Why is it always Fred and George? Why not George and Fred every once and a while?"
"They could die in that competition! And all you're worried about is what order their names come in?!"
(Y/f) smiles at me and waves her hand like she's swatting away invisible butterflies. "You know that Dumbledore would never allow them to compete right." She says.
"Well what if they find a way to cheat their way in? Their plan sounded pretty intense--"
"Yes. But this is Dumbledore we're talking about. I'm pretty sure he's used to those twos tricks by now. Don't you think?"
I look over at Dumbledore who is watching over the students closely. Particularly Harry. But can you blame him?
"I guess you're right..." I sigh.
"Yes, I am right. And I know you care about them. But I do too. You just gotta trust your surroundings sometimes. Loosen up, okay?"
She stands up and winks at me. Then leaves over to a Gryffindor table to talk to two boys. Probably to ask if either of them is Davy or Carl.
Just then I feel someone tap my shoulder. I jump, a little alarmed then turn around.
"Ginny, hey. What's up?" I ask as I see Ginny's smiling face. She rubs her knuckles a bit then takes a short breath as though she's trying to decide whether or not she wants to say it.
"(Y/f) told me you were upset that Fred and George were going to try and enter the tournament. Is that true?"
I then see the nervousness hidden in her eyes. I guess behind all of that sibling annoyance there still is worry.
    "Yes it is actually. But don't worry. I won't let him do anything that wouldn't kill 'em." I joke. But she didn't realize I was at first so her eyes shot open and concern filled her face.
"Ah no! I was kidding! I wouldn't-- I didn't mean-- alright, what I'm trying to say is, I'll try to stop them." I mentally Face palm at how awkward and stupid I can be sometimes.
"Okay. Thanks. I know Fred'll listen to you." Ginny smiled at me then walked back over to her friends. She looked a lot more relaxed now. I wish it was true. Him listening to me that is...
"Hey there! (Y/n) is it! Hi I'm Taylor, Taylor Brady. And I was wondering if you'd like to--"
I hold up my hand to stop him,"Excuse me, Taylor, but how long does it take you to do your hair exactly?" I ask him.
"Pardon?" He looks taken aback and raises his hand to his hair but not touching it.
"You heard me. How long does it take you to do your hair? Because it looks like, unrealistically perfect. Like, what?" He laughs uncomfortably and scratches his neck.
"I don't know, maybe a minute? Or two?" He says.
"That's not possible. Black magic! I'm sorry but I must report you to the headmaster for the use o dark magic!"
"Wait what?!" He almost shouts,"Okay you're really confusing me now. How about I just walk away and we forget this ever happened? Okay? Okay. BYE!!" He then ran back over to the Gryffindor table.
"What the heck,(y/n), was that?" (Y/f) asks. I turn around and look at her. I start to laugh and she just looks at me like I'm crazy.
"That's just how I get people to leave when I don't want to talk to them. And I was just NOT into that conversation." I told her.
She mouthed the word ,"okay..." and went back to her food.
~time skip af, because I'm tired~

"So since the entering for the tournament starts tonight who do you think will enter?" Asked (f/2/n) as I walked with her and the other three down the hall.
    Fred immediately popped into my mind but i pushed him to the back of my mind.
    "No the real question is, who do you think will get in?" (B/n) asked.(male friend from the train). I roll my eyes. There's really no way of guessing that.
     (Y/f) started going on and on about who she wants to make it into the tournament.  "That one guy, what's his name? In Ravenclaw above us by two years? Zach! He'd do good! Or Porter. I can't remember his house. Oh there are a few from Durmstrang that I thought would be good! That one guy, Jody! He'd probably be good. He has a nice singing voice by the way. Oh his brother Briain is pretty cool. But he spells his name weird. It's B-R-I-A-I-N, instead of B-R-I-A-N. oh what about that girl from Beaubatons-- the one with the curly reddish hair--"
    "Wholly crap (y/n)! Slow it down we can barely understand what you're saying!" I finally tell her.  She just smiles and twirls around in front of us.
    "Sorry. Couldn't help it." Just then Fred and George ran over to us and grabbed me by the elbow.
    "(Y/n), you gotta second?" He asks. I turn and look at the others who are still walking away and hesitate but say,"alright."
   "Okay. Come 'ere." He pulls me over to a corner where George is waiting. Both are looking extremely mischievous.
    "Okay. Now that you've dragged me away from my friends, what did you want to tell me?" I ask while folding my arms.
     "We did it." Fred says.
"Did what?" I ask.
"We made the stuff!" George then says.
"Oh good golly, what stuff?!?!" I whisper shout at them. Finally fed up with their crap.
    Fred finally answers with,"The aging potion!"

Sorry it's taken so long and it's kinda boring and weird...but good news! Two more weeks of school left! Then I'll have faster updates!!

Later my peeps!!👌🏽😅😜💕💙

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