Girl Advice

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"Wait wait wait, so what you are getting at here is you want to set me up with your cooky friend?" George asks trying to take in what all we just said.
"Yeah weren't you listening?" Fred and I say.
"Why would you want to do that tho? I mean we barely talk!"
I laugh then answer saying,"Well since Fred and I are together we thought it'd be cute if you too went out."
"Oh you guys are into that bloody stuff..."
"C'mon George don't even pretend your not interested! You repeatedly turned the girl into a cat-woman-thing..."
George's face went red,"That doesn't mean anything." He spits.
"Yeah but the color of your face does. Fred and I have already sent her a letter signed your name asking her on a date. So there's no backing out now."
"You what?!"
"Kay Bro, better go get ready! Your date is in a few hours!" Fred laughs.
"I bloody hate you guys. You know that right, I wish you would've warned me. Now she's going to think I don't care-" he continues to ramble on as he runs up the stairs but his voice is muffled.
  "It's a good thing she lives close by." I say.
"Yeah I never knew she lived so close to us until you told me."
   He then reaches his hand to mine and intertwines our fingers as we go back upstairs into my room.
  "Hope your friend is okay with this date."
"Oh she will be. She's totally in love with him."
"I can see that. But what was the main purpose of sending them on that date?"
"Oh you know...maybe because I wanted some alone time with you and didn't want any interruptions, wink wink!"
" Did you just say wink while you winked..?"
"No you're hearing things."
   Fred kicks the door open with his foot and we walk in, it's around six and George's date doesn't start till eight. So we decide to mess with him while he's getting ready.
After pulling a few heartless gags on him we settle on letting him actually get ready now. Maybe. 
  "Im getting hungry Im going to go make a sandwich, want one?" Fred asks.
"Yeah sure, sounds good."
"Okay, I'll be right back."
   I stand outside the bathroom, it's ten minutes till he has to pick up (y/f). He's going to be late.
  "George hurry up! You take longer to get ready than I do!"
"Well I'm just nervous!"
"You? Nervous? Not possible."
"I am nervous! Leave it alone!"
"No come out. Lemme see you. Fred's not here so he can't laugh."
"Fine, but you can't make fun of me."
   With that the door slowly opens up so that I can see him. But standing there was a blue haired George Weasley.
   "Ah George what happened?!" I ask.
"Someone put dye in my shampoo. I figure it was Ron trying to get back at me for when I did it..."
"Well here let me fix it, you're lucky I'm good at charms." I say before I pull out my wand and mutter a spell to fix it.
  "Well it doesn't work completely, you still have some blue but that's alright."
"Thanks bout that! Um so how do I look now?"
    I look him up and down(not checking him out). I think you look fine except one thing...
   I step forward and grab his tie.
"You need to lose this thing. You look to formal. This is a friendly date not a job interview!" I say as I pull it off.
   "Okay thanks, I didn't want to make that mistake."
"No problem. Now go get em tiger!" I say in a confident voice.
"Alright I will! Wooh! I feel all energized!"
He said as he runs out the front door.
   Fred comes to me with a sandwich,"What did you say to him?"
"Oh you know, just have him a little girl advice..." I laugh.
"Oh no..."
"Hey I have good advice!"
"Mhm, yeah it's great. Best advice ever."
"Oh shut up you know I'm right."
   I didn't know what to do next, I didn't want the silence to build up any tension.
  "Tag you're it!" I say as I poke him in the arm and run down the stairs.
"Hey no fair! I wasn't ready yet!" He shouts, chasing after me.
  I laugh as he runs after me. Sure I am fast but his legs are longer so he is quick to catch up with me.
  "Hey you're the one no fair! You have an advantage!" I shout back.
  I try to up my speed but my legs are starting to get a little wobbly. I notice the tall grass area on the other side of the fence and get an idea. I sprint as hard as I can, when the fence came up I used one arm to spring myself over to the other side.
  I land on the ground with a loud thump. Loosing a bit of balance but am quick to regain my speed. I go a few yards out where the grass is real tall, covering me completely.
  I spin around listening for Fred's steps wondering is he's close by. But I don't hear anything. No steps,no breathing(except my own) and no sounds of movement anywhere. Even the wind carrying the snow is quiet.
    I can barely hear a thing. Only the sound of my own breathing.  And...stuttering? Ugh. I should've grabbed a jacket. It's freezing out here. Now I'm starting to shiver.
   "Gotcha!" Fred claims as he jumps out and grabs me. I let out a scream.
"Wholly crap Fred! You scared the crap out of me!"
   He doubles over in laughter,"Did i really scare you?!"
"No Fred, I just screamed cause it's fun."
"Haha, okay calm down. I didn't mean to scare you...mostly."
  "Okay okay, I believe you."
"Okay so you know what that means?"
"No what does it-"
"You're it!" He shouts running back towards the house.
  "You're kidding me!" I shout after him.
~Fred's pov~
   "Oh alright. I'll give you mercy. But only because you're cute." I say jogging back over to (y/n) who is bending over trying to catch her breath.
  "Are you kidding me right now?! I just chased you around for thirty minutes! Now you stop?"
"Hey it's not MY fault you're slow."
"Im not slow! Your legs are just twice the length of mine are!"
"Yeah okay, I'll let you get away with that one."
   I walk over and swoop her up off her feet holding her bridal style.
  "Hey what are you- and wait what do you mean by you'll let me get away with that one?"
"Shshshshshshssshhhhh! Don't, you'll ruin the moment."
She rolls her eyes at me and goes quiet. So I carry her back I to the house and up the stairs and into her bedroom. Setting her down gently onto the bed.
   "You want me to let you get ready for bed?"
"It's only nine. I don't have to go to sleep yet."
"Im not saying you have to go to sleep yet. I'm just asking if you want me to leave you so you can get ready."
   She smiles awkwardly then answers,"Okay yeah. I guess I'll change."
"Alright! I guess I'll leave you to that."
   I walk out into the hallway and into my own room so I can put my pajamas on. Pajamas, that's such a weird word.
~two minutes later~
   Is she done changing? I mean, girls take longer to change usually. Maybe she's done. I can't just walk in cause if she's still changing she'll probably hate me for life.
   I guess I'll just knock.
*knock knock* "Hey (y/n) can I come in now?"
"Yeah. Sure, enter at your own risk."
I creak the door open and stick my head in, she is sitting on the bed folding the clothes she just changed out of.
"We can wash those for you if you'd like." I say.
"Would you? If it's not any trouble..."
"No no trouble at all. Anything for you. Just put them in that hamper." I point to a hamper in the corner by the closet.
   She tosses them and makes them in the hamper.
"Good shot."
"Haha, thanks. I should join a basketball team!"
"What's basketball?"
"Oh yeah I forgot you don't know what that is. Back where I used to live our neighbors were muggles and would play all the time."
"Oh that makes more sense. The name especially."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Muggles usually give things ridiculous names. I've heard of this thing called American "football", and they barely use their feet."
  She laughs and pushes my arm playfully.
"You're right about that. It's not that bad of a sport though. It's pretty popular."
"As popular as Quidditch?"
"Highly doubt it."
   I let out a sigh of relief, "Well that's good."
We just kinda sit in silence for a bit, staring at the walls or out the window.
  "What do you think George is doing?" She finally asks,"it's getting pretty late.
I shrug my shoulders,"I don't know. I'm sure he is fine though."
  We proceed to talk about how we think George's date has gone. Then we get on the topic of our favorite words. She seems to think "Rico Suave" in Spanish is pretty funny. I don't get it but then again it's probably just a girl thing.

~you're pov~
  It's not ten at night. George's still not back, but in our free time without him we played Wizards Chess and some weird paper game I made up.
   "What time is it?" Fred asks as he les out a yawn.
"Um lemme see..." I grab my watch from my bag and check the time. "It's 10:07. You tired?"
"Yeah a bit. You?"
"Let's be honest here, when am I not tired?"
He laughs,"Haha, true. We should go to sleep. Or we'll be pretty grumpy tomorrow."
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go."
   He stands up pulling me up with him. We walk over to the doorway of the guest room where he stops and holds my hands in his.
"I will see you tomorrow then."
"Uhm, yeah..."
"Until then have sweet dreams my love." He says then bends down and plants a kiss right on my lips.
"Ah come on guys! Seriously right in the hallway!" We pull back to see Ron glaring at us.
"Oh leave us Ron you git!"
I just laugh,"Nah he's right. This is quite a disturbing sight for a little boy like him." I say las though I'm talking to a toddler.
Ron just rolls his eyes,"You guys are sick." He says then walks off.
   We just laugh then I decide to say something,"Well I am going to bed now. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Wait can't we continue what we were-"
"Goodnight Fred I'll see you in the morning!"
I push him out the door and close it. Still standing there to here him say one last thing,"Goodnight love." Then he walks away.
   I jump onto the bed and laugh. "Why is everything I do so awkward?!" I wonder aloud before I allow myself to fall asleep.

A Troublesome PairTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang